Weeknotes – S01E15 – Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Summary: Bits and pieces, small but regular progress. Not a lot of time and energy spent on writing projects this week, but still some. Monday: I did today’s one-minute challenge at oneword.com. Later, I took advantage of an unexpected free half hour to copy-edit the second chapter of Artisan. Wednesday: I had a writing date […]

Weeknotes – S02E14 – Wading Through Mud

Summary:   Lots of time spent on writing projects this week, and I’m pleased with my progress overall, but it mostly felt like wading through mud at the time.   Monday:   I started the week with renewed focus, and a writing date with Ann at The Counter at The Delaunay.   First task was […]

Weeknotes – S02E13 – Annoying Admin

Summary: The admin has to be done, or there will be no publications, no matter how much I write. But it’s really, really annoying. Wednesday: I got very little sleep on Monday night, so wasn’t feeling particularly enthused by this afternoon, but a booked writing date with Hannah kept me out after work and focused […]

Weeknotes – S02E11 – Snowed In!

Summary: Snowed in at a writing retreat – every writer’s dream? I’ve certainly enjoyed it!   Wednesday:   I went to Vauxhall after work to meet Hannah and got on with some more Artisan revisions (this will be a common theme in Weeknotes for the next few months…), working on finishing off the requirements of […]

Weeknotes – S02E10

Summary: Really got into the novel revision this week, and actually enjoyed it, which was a very pleasant surprise! Monday: I set out early for my writing date with Ann at Good & Proper. I hadn’t done much actual writing for the last two or three weeks, so was hoping a whole day in my […]

Weeknotes – S02E09

Summary: Still getting back into the swing of things after the holiday, but deadlines are looming… Tuesday: I booked my tickets for Winchester Writers’ Festival, including all my workshops and my one-to-one appointments with four different literary agents. This gives me until 24 May to get the opening of Artisan ready for submission, and ideally […]

Weeknotes – S02E08

Summary: Turns out the JoCo Cruise isn’t really conducive to getting much writing done…   Thursday: NK Jemisin was on the cruise and held a Write & Chat session, which was awesome. She answered lots of questions about writing, and encouraged the attendees to talk about their own projects as well. In between the chat, […]