Being ill sucks. No writing (or much of anything) for me in the first half of the week, though I did manage some bits and pieces in the second half, in between all the coughing and nose-blowing.
I started out by reading a blog post about maintaining your writing habit, which I thought I was doing quite well. But the article pointed out that I’ve pretty much been doing just enough to be able to tick off days on my habit pledge, rather than actually getting on with serious projects. So that’s definitely something to be aware of and work on. Especially since I’m down nearly 100,000 words on what I wrote last year, and 50,000 words on the year before, so I may have written on more days but I’m writing less overall.
Then I defaulted to writing a review…
But I did make a start on a new short story as well!
I wrote some more of the new story.
I submitted an application for a mentoring competition, which would be awesome for next year if I happen to win!
I also booked onto a writing retreat for late February.
I reviewed the latest film we went to see.
I added some extra submission opportunities to my rolling spreadsheet.
I booked a creativity retreat for June.