I’m a couch potato who runs.
I’m an introvert who craves adulation.
I’m a control freak who doesn’t like being in charge.
I care more about what people think of me than I would like to admit, but I sometimes have blue hair anyway.
I’m a writer.
My main source of income is as a freelance editor and proofreader, working on projects ranging from children’s fantasy novels to business manuals, and everything in between.
I’ve written stories for as long as I can remember, though, and there are always one or two rattling around in my head. I used to only produce quite short works, but I’ve also demonstrated to myself I can actually write a novel-length pieces of fiction (more than once!) so I’m apparently now also a novelist.
I have a wonderful husband who is very supportive of my writing, but who responds to things in a completely different way to me. This turns out to be exceedingly useful, since he will always come up with questions about my writing that I haven’t considered. Answering those questions invariably improves what I’ve written – after I’ve managed to get past my initial reaction of: “how on earth could you possibly think that?”
When I’m not working or writing, I read, I knit, I do a lot of walking, I bake (sugar free cookies!), I make a media review podcast with my husband, I post photo stories of my teddy bears’s adventures, and I write reviews of all the types of entertainment I consume.
Needless to say, my teddy bears are much more popular online than I am.