
  Quite a few years ago now, my human, Annie, signed up for a freewriting workshop with Clare Pearce from Write For Your Life – and she discovered that it’s a fantastic exercise for tackling all sorts of things!   Freewriting is where you just write whatever comes into your head for a certain period […]

Weeknotes – S08E21 – Novel Revisions Complete!

Summary: Excellent progress on both client and personal projects – plus found some new freelancing friends to co-work with.   Monday: I read the latest family book club pick in two days and wrote a not very comprehensive review. I also accidentally posted the latest Reviews Revisited episode of the podcast five days early…   […]

Reviews Revisited – Illuminae

This is the transcript of my latest solo podcast episode – you can listen to the audio version here.   Hello and welcome to Reviews Revisited, part of the Will You Still Love It Tomorrow podcast. I’m Annie and, in each Reviews episode, I pick something I’ve reviewed some time since 2005, reread or rewatch […]

Weeknotes – S08E20 – Front Loading

Summary: Early progress on client work and my own projects, then going away for the weekend.   Monday: I split my morning between editing both my current client projects – the spy novel and the RPG text. Then I worked on revisions to my fifth novel, A Darkness Divided, for a bit.   Tuesday: I […]

Weeknotes – S08E19 – Progress Where It Matters

Summary: I did lots of good client editing work and made considerable progress revising my novel – happy with that!   Monday: I wrote a review of Winter in Madrid, which I finished over the weekend, and also an audiobook (The Liar’s Knot) that I decided to DNF. I also listened to a fair amount […]

Balancing Paid and Unpaid Work

At this moment in time, I have lots of paid editing work booked in for the next few months – which is really, really awesome! I’m used to a fortnightly schedule, whereby every other Friday, I’m in a position of all my client projects coming to an end, with nothing booked in for the following […]

Weeknotes – Editing Conference!

Summary: Less achieved overall this week compared to recent times, but that’s okay. Still good progress on all fronts.   Monday: New client projects – hurrah! I spent the morning alternating between two nonfiction books – one about volunteering and one about coaching – and the RPG text corrections. I also edited a short piece […]

Finding the Good

  Every human I know (and some bears!) has struggles they have to face in their lives. And, no matter how large or small they may seem when compared to those of others, they are still struggles and however you feel about them is valid.   That said, a positive mindset has been proven to […]