Weeknotes – S08E19 – Progress Where It Matters


I did lots of good client editing work and made considerable progress revising my novel – happy with that!



I wrote a review of Winter in Madrid, which I finished over the weekend, and also an audiobook (The Liar’s Knot) that I decided to DNF.

I also listened to a fair amount more of The Bone Season for the Reviews Resurrected podcast.



Getting back into paid work today felt like a bit of a chore (but not really), simply because having four days off made it seem like a very long time since I’d done any!

The volunteering book and coaching book clients both asked me to take a pause so they could review the edits so far – so I started two new projects (along with the never-ending RPG text) – a kids’ book about hockey, and an alternate history spy novel, the second book by one of my earliest (and favourite clients).

I did some more of the RPG text just before dinner, then prepped for the next podcast episode by watching the selected movie and making my notes.



I rejigged my schedule to work today, when Wednesday is normally my day off.

I spent the morning alternating between my paid editing projects – the hockey book, the spy novel and the RPG text. The latter is getting a bit speedier as time goes on, which is good.

After such a busy work morning, I had my usual post-lunch slump, but Gabrielle joined the focus session call and encouraged me to do useful things with the time.

So, I knuckled down and launched into one of the new narrative threads in Darkness, actually drafting a whole new scene, as well as revising the two that came after. So, that was a really good achievement!

I also wrote a blog post for my newsletter that’s due to go out on Friday…



I was out and about most of the morning so I listened to a chunk more of The Bone Season and made notes on my phone.

I also finished Exhalation by Ted Chiang and wrote my review.



I finished editing the kids’ hockey book this morning, as well as editing more of the spy novel and the RPG text.

After lunch, I calculated that I might possibly manage to complete the current revisions to Darkness by the end of May if I up my scheduled sessions a little bit. So I altered my plan to fit that deadline, which will give me plenty of buffer, as my real deadline is the end of June.

I then wrote a new scene and revised two more.

After that, I wrote a blog post and some video scripts for Stanley, edited and sent out my own writing/editing newsletter, and reviewed some content sent to me by a writer friend.

I also listened to another chunk of The Bone Season and wrote some more notes, though I was starting to struggle with it and eventually decided to give up on it. I did some more research on the book and other people’s reactions to it and added to my podcast script.



I spent the first two hours of today just reading and finishing a book, which was lovely. I then wrote my review.

After a relatively lazy morning and a trip out to run some errands, I had a burst of productivity – I recorded and edited the next two solo podcast episodes, as well as Stanley’s June Instagram videos – and edited the latest main podcast episode that Dave and I recorded together earlier in the week.

I also finished a comic book and wrote my review.

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