Weeknotes – S08E20 – Front Loading


Early progress on client work and my own projects, then going away for the weekend.



I split my morning between editing both my current client projects – the spy novel and the RPG text. Then I worked on revisions to my fifth novel, A Darkness Divided, for a bit.



I started today with a new client project – a developmental edit of a nonfiction book about short story writing – by a member of one of my mastermind groups – so that was cool!

I also worked on the spy novel and the RPG text.

After lunch, we had a great Revision Club session and I worked on Darkness some more.

I also wrote and posted my GYWO discussion for the month.

I wrote a couple of reviews of the Monstress comics and a stage version of Minority Report.

Later, I used the first chapter of my client’s short story book to brainstorm a new short story!



We went to the theatre to see Jesus Christ Superstar, so I wrote my review for that, as well as for a Ben Aaronovitch novella I finished on the way home.



Back to work! I edited more of the short story book, the spy novel and the RPG text.

In my afternoon focus session, I revised more of Darkness and worked more on my new short story.

I also did a couple of submissions with deadlines at the end of May.



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