Weeknotes – S08E21 – Novel Revisions Complete!


Excellent progress on both client and personal projects – plus found some new freelancing friends to co-work with.



I read the latest family book club pick in two days and wrote a not very comprehensive review.

I also accidentally posted the latest Reviews Revisited episode of the podcast five days early…



Back to work!

I edited part of the short story book, the spy novel and the RPG text.

I also answered some queries on the kid’s hockey book I edited last week.

After lunch, it was Revision Club, so I worked on revising my fifth novel, A Darkness Divided, and also started drafting the short story I’m writing based on the outlining process in the client book I’m editing.

Later, I finished my current audiobook on a long walk – The Thousand Eyes by AK Larkwood – and wrote my review.



I woke up late today, feeling very fuzzy and demotivated and thinking how unfair it was that I *had* to work today, when Wednesday is usually my day off…

But, of course, the only person making me work today – is me…

So, I could have just gone back to bed and punted everything out to next week – but I didn’t.

I got up, did the absolute minimum to tick off doing my exercises, had some breakfast, watched some YouTube – and then sat down at my desk to get on with things.

And it went really well!

I edited the penultimate chapter of the short story book, the next section of the spy novel and the next five RPG-text files – all of which were fun and interesting and didn’t take all that much time or effort.

After lunch, I really wanted to give up for the day and snooze away the afternoon, but I had a focus session booked and I knew Charlie was planning to attend, so I logged on and we had a nice chat, and then I cracked on with Darkness revisions.

I also blitzed through the rest of the terrible first draft of the short story I’m writing to go with the edits of the short story book (which was fine because it’s not meant to be in any way perfect at that stage of the process in the book). So that ticked that off the list, at least for the moment – though I’m going to revise and refine it over the next few weeks so I can submit it to a competition in July.



Today, I took the plunge and went along to a freelance co-working event in Central London. It was nice to meet some other freelancers and work in a convivial space alongside other people.

I finished editing the short story book, reached the halfway point with the RPG text and edited the next section of the spy novel.

I also reviewed a synopsis for one of the Revision Club writers.

I got about three hours of actual work done in six hours at the venue – but it was really fun! And I can easily rejig my weekly schedule to have a light to-do list on a Thursday if I decide to come again.



I spent most of the day in a lovely cafe in Blandford Forum working on Darkness revisions while my friends rehearsed for a choir performance in the evening. And I finished my second draft, which felt really good!


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