Weeknotes – S02E26 – Finding My Groove Again

Summary: Getting back into the swing of things slowly, and very much enjoying not having any Artisan editing to do…   Monday: Planned as my first full writing day post-Winchester, so I had a long list of things to work on. I met Ann and Baby R at the Turk’s Head in Wapping, and started […]

Weeknotes – S02E25 – Taking the Week Off?

Summary: Stripped back and streamlined. I mostly had a break from writing this week, but still managed a few bits and pieces along the way.   Monday: I wrote a blog post about my experience at Winchester Writers’ Festival.   Tuesday: I wrote a review of Ocean’s Eight.   Wednesday: I wrote a review of […]

Weeknotes – S02E24 – Well, Winchester happened…

Summary: Anxious build-up to Winchester, followed by a fairly draining experience of the festival itself, and a re-evaluation of my writing priorities.   Monday: I submitted seven short stories, pieces of flash fiction and poems for potential publication or to competitions. Very much not my favourite activity, but it’s the only way to get anywhere! […]

Weeknotes – S02E23 – Editing Complete!

Summary:   It feels as though things are moving forwards. Only a few days until Winchester Writers’ Festival, and Artisan is ready to go!   Monday:   I finished a very interesting book and wrote a review of it.   I also went through Writing Magazine and added new submission opportunities to my rolling spreadsheet, […]

Weeknotes – S02E22 – All the Editing!

Summary: Edits, edits and more edits…   Monday: Ann was free, so we arranged to meet up for a writing session. I mostly focused on transferring my hard copy Artisan edits onto the electronic copy. In between times, I checked the relative chapter lengths and moved some things around to make it more even. I […]

Weeknotes – S02E19 – It All Adds Up

Summary: Good use of available time slots for getting on with stuff. I like having the option to just find a cafe and get to work, now that I’ve trained myself to be able to focus in that kind of environment.   Monday: A new week, and some new resolve, as deadlines are looming. I […]

Weeknotes – S02E18 – Diminishing Returns

Summary: Perhaps as expected, my writing output during the rest of the holiday gradually reduced, but I did still manage to get some things done here and there.   Monday: I wrote another short piece for my Yahtzee/Bingo challenge.   Wednesday: I wrote a review of Avengers: Infinity War.   Saturday: My plans to write […]