Weeknotes – S03E04 – Slowly Building Towards Greatness



Another seven-day writing week, with lots of work on little habit-forming activities, but also some progress on bigger projects, and the start of an exciting new reviewing opportunity.




Good intentions for a proper writing day at Good & Proper with Ann.


I faffed around on the internet for half an hour, then settled down to today’s Writers’ Block Detox prompt. I did a GYWO challenge.


One of my projects for the next few weeks is reviewing at The Vaults festival for Fringe Guru, so I went through their archives to get an idea of their reviewing style.


Then I wrote a review of a film I watched last night.


After that, I finally got to work on a short story I’ve been thinking about all year. And, as ever, once I actually put fingers to keys, it just flowed out of me and onto the screen. I don’t know if I need the thinking time for the story to solidify in my brain before I start writing it properly, but it’s just so hard to sit down and get on with writing. And then I do, and it just happens.


So, I finished a 1500 word first draft of the Stanley story in the space of an hour, and posted it on Scribophile for feedback. It’s not due until the end of February, so I’ll have plenty of time for revision. Then I did some Scribophile critiques to get more points and get my story into the spotlight more quickly.


Then I went back to fanfiction and completed another two Fic Promptly shorts, so I was up to date with completing one for every post so far in January.




Second writing date in as many days, this time with Hannah at Le Pain Quotidien.


I started out with the WBD prompt, then moved on to a review and first thoughts about this week’s Hour of Writes entry. Then I read through the Scribophile critiques on the Stanley story from yesterday.


The publisher potentially interested in Artisan recommended a book called How to Be A Fantastic Writer as a good place to start preparations for the requested rewrite. I ordered a copy and picked it up from work today, so I first reread the publisher’s feedback and then launched into reading the book and making notes.




I did today’s WBD prompt and submitted an application for a free spot on this year’s Six Month Novel Writing Programme, as well as signing up for a ten-week online writing prompt programme with The Common.


I also attended my first show as an official Fringe Guru reviewer, with a press ticket and everything!




I took the opportunity of a three-hour gap between appointments to find a cafe and get some writing done. I started out with the review of last night’s Vaults show, Katie & Pip, then moved on to today’s WBD prompt.


After that, I went back to the Fantastic Writer book and made more notes.




Today I just did the WBD prompt and wrote a review of my most recent audiobook.




I did both today’s WBD prompt and the Day One writing exercise from Write With One Story 2019.




A repeat of yesterday, comprising today’s WBD prompt and Day Two of Write With One Story 2019.


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