Weeknotes – S07E26 – Phenomenal on Every Level

Summary: Phenomenal writing retreat, exciting new paid editing clients, a massive mindset shift regarding what to do with the nonfiction book, plus a solid idea for my next novel! Fantastic progress on all fronts!   Monday: New week, still on retreat! This morning, the subconscious crew started rewriting the opening scene of Legacy in my […]

Weeknotes – S07E23 – Bookend Productivity

Summary: Good start and end to the week, but understandably disrupted in the middle – all good, though, with lots of great stuff planned for next week.   Monday: I got up late and faffed around for quite a while, mostly pitching for more paid editing work, as I had nothing on the docket for […]

Weeknotes – S07E20 – Seven Days of Progress

Summary: A seven-day writing/editing week! The novel is still on track and there’s a lot of other good stuff going on, though my paid projects are all coming to an end, so I’m in panic-pitching mode, which is my least favourite part of the freelance cycle.   Monday: I was up and ready to get […]

Weeknotes – S07E19 – Flexibility is Awesome

Summary: This was a good week for utilising my flexible freelance schedule to my advantage – good progress on all fronts and exciting work opportunities booked for the summer!   Monday: We played a fun card game called Animalia, so I wrote my review.   Tuesday: I had a pretty full list of stuff to […]

Weeknotes – S07E18 – Hit and Miss

Summary: A bit hit-and-miss this week. Good progress on the paid work front (which is useful because I’ve got a lot scheduled for the rest of the month) but perhaps less so on my own writing projects.   Monday: I can’t believe it’s May already! I checked my tracking spreadsheet and I’ve worked on my […]

Weeknotes – S07E17 – Projects are Multiple and Varied

Summary: This was apparently a seven-day writing week! I don’t remember being particularly productive, but I’ll take it! I did branch out into some new and interesting projects, and it felt good to try something different and less pressured/vast than the novel.   Monday: After taking most of last week off from my own writing, […]

Weeknotes – S07E15 – Having A Moment

Summary: Things were a bit disrupted this week (mostly by fun caching adventures and impromptu meals out) but I had phenomenal writing days on Friday and Saturday, so feeling great!   Monday: The last couple of weeks felt hard, with perhaps too much scheduled on each ‘work’ day. The experimental new schedule didn’t work for […]