This was a short work week, since we went for a long weekend in Wales – which was awesome! I still got a decent amount of both paid and project work done, though.
I had a very good morning – I edited a whole romance novella for a repeat client, and forged on with editing the paranormal detective novel.
I also proofread half of Meditations and found a single error to correct.
I found four more errors in the second half of Meditations – the horror! I then had to print out the four pages with the errors on, mark them up by hand with a red pen and send them off to the publisher in the post…
I edited the penultimate set of chapters for the paranormal detective novel and also started editing a new prison memoir.
I finished editing the paranormal detective novel, and also edited the query letter for it, and sent everything back to the author for review and approval. I loved reading this book for a second time and seeing all the awesome changes that had been made, based on my developmental feedback.
I edited the synopsis for the paranormal detective novel and also made some more notes for Wizard.
Despite being officially on holiday, I edited the book covers for the tax books from my now-regular pdf client.
I also helped Stanley with his latest email newsletter.