Summary: I worked on writing projects every day this week again, but I’m calling a halt now and going back to my regular-ish scheduled sessions. Not a bad week overall, though. Monday: I wrote my GYWO discussion post for the month. Tuesday: I did some more submissions. Wednesday: I wrote a review […]
Tag: Weeknotes
Weeknotes – S04E07 – Still Writing Every Day
Summary: Every day was a writing day again this week. I’m trying to write every day in February and it’s going pretty well so far! It’s not something I generally like to do as it quickly feels like writing is a chore, but every now and then I like to push myself. Monday: Today, […]
Weeknotes – S04E06 – Sometimes Every Day Works
Summary: I wrote (more or less) every day this week, and am feeling more positive about getting back into both longer and shorter projects again. Monday: Final retreat day at Stickwick. I had to leave my room first thing, but the taxi wasn’t coming until 3pm, so plenty of time to get some stuff […]
Weeknotes – S04E05 – Finding My Way Back to Motivation
Summary: Fluctuating motivation this week. Some good intentions sent awry, but also a fair amount achieved, and a light at the end of the tunnel, leading the way back to some of my more challenging projects. Monday: I wrote several reviews. Tuesday: I edited two podcast episodes and made plans for my upcoming […]
Weeknotes – S04E04 – Just About Still Working
Summary: I’m still keeping up with the Artisan proofing, which is the most important thing, but everything else is pretty much falling by the wayside at the moment. Except the podcast, which is still really fun. I’m on writing retreat at the end of next week, so I suspect my output will increase a bit […]
Weeknotes – S04E03 – Still Revving
Summary: I’m not sure I’ve found my groove for 2020 yet, unless my groove is slacking off, which would be okay, at least for the moment! Monday: I wrote reviews for the four books I read on reading retreat over the weekend. Thursday: I met Ann in Wapping, feeling not particularly motivated. My […]
Weeknotes – S04E02 – Enthused About Novels
Summary: And so work begins in earnest on getting Artisan ready for publication and Colours ready for submission. In good news, I’m really enjoying rereading both of them! Monday: I went through the whole Artisan manuscript, doing ‘find and replace’ on various things the publisher wants me to change. Perhaps dangerous, but I am […]
Weeknotes – S04E01 – It’s 2020!
Summary: A slow start to 2020, but I have big plans to pick the pace up in the near future! Saturday: I wrote a review of a new game I played over New Year. I also helped Bear with his first post of 2020. Sunday: I wrote my first book review of 2020, […]
Weeknotes – S03E52 – End of a Decade
Summary: Not a complete break from writing over Christmas, but certainly much reduced. Monday: I wrote a review of Saturday’s Olympia Horse Show and also the book I finished later in the afternoon. Saturday: I edited a friend’s short story and provided lots of comments. I added some notes to my Colours editing […]
Weeknotes – S03E51 – Great End to a Great Year!
Summary: I’m really pleased with what I accomplished this week, and also over the course of the whole year. So now I can take a break over Christmas and feel good about my writing. Monday: New week, new attitude. I was determined to make some real progress today, so I set off for a […]