Summary: Some great prep work early in the week, leading into my at-home retreat, which went extremely well. As ever, once I actually got started, it didn’t turn out to be as hard as I expected. Monday: I consolidated my remaining Colours revision notes, in the hopes that reorganising them would provide a clearer […]
Tag: Weeknotes
Weeknotes – S04E46 – Ebbs and Flows
Summary: Fluctuating motivation and progress this week, but still progress overall. Monday: I woke up with Colours writing itself in my head again, which was amazing. So I got up and did some work on it first thing – by choice rather than by scheduling! Later, Dave and I embarked on our first After […]
Weeknotes – S04E045 – Exploring Mindset
Summary: The start of the week was all about forcing myself to stick to the schedule, but the end of the week was all about enthusiasm, all thanks to a new course I started. So, yay for self-reflection, encouragement and community! Monday: I did some submissions. Thursday: I scheduled my usual writing time […]
Weeknotes – S04E44 – The Plan is Everything
Summary: Scheduling and trying to stick to a specific plan worked out this week. It was always tough to get going, but by the end of the week I made good progress on my second novel and felt like I was getting back on track with it. Monday: I started out working on Colours, […]
Weeknotes – S04E43 – Sticking to the Plan!
Summary: I kept myself to my new writing plan and made good progress on all fronts, working on three different novels throughout the week. Monday: I stated my goals on the Urban Writers’ Retreat online session page, then cracked on with editing the last two chapters of Artisan. And I finished! And sent the […]
Weeknotes – S04E42 – All The Editing
Summary: Lots of editing, both of my novel and someone else’s. Monday: I started off by editing three more chapters of Artisan, then did a bit more editing on my friend’s novel. Tuesday: I did a bit more editing on my friend’s novel. Thursday: Back to the regular focusing session with Claire […]
Weeknotes – S04E41 – Keeping My Hand In
Summary: Mostly not writing this week as I was on holiday and doing other things. But I kept my hand in and knuckled down on my return home. Monday: I wrote a review of a game I played a few days before. Thursday: I wrote a review of a film I watched the […]
Weeknotes – S04E40 – Mostly Reviews
Summary: Not much on the writing project front this week, and unlikely to be much progress next week either – but then the big push to the end of the year will begin! Monday: I wrote a review of the film we watched the night before. Tuesday: I edited another […]
Weeknotes – S04E39 – Light Week But Still Progress
Summary: Bits and pieces completed here and there this week – nothing major but still progress on several fronts. Monday: I spent some time going through my unassigned stories and finding places to submit them. Thursday: I did some more submissions, expanded my fantasy novella by a few hundred words for a submission […]
Weeknotes – S04E38 – Enjoying Editing!
Summary: Going great guns on the final novel edits and really enjoying it, which is a very pleasant surprise. Everything else has pretty much fallen off the to-do list, but that’s okay, because the novel is the most important thing. Monday: I finished a book and wrote my review. I started a new story […]