Behind Every Hero

My short story, Behind Every Hero, was Highly Commended in the 2023 MTP Short Story Competition and is included in the competition anthology – which you can buy here.  

Radio Silence

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly being bombarded by information and you find it difficult to relax and hear your own voice amidst all the noise?   Today’s human world is full of fantastic ways to entertain and distract ourselves, no matter where we are or what we’re doing – streaming TV, podcasts, audiobooks, […]

Weeknotes – S07E27 – Super Productivity

Summary: My third seven-day writing/editing week in a row! And I’m still excited about both my paid editing work and my own personal projects! So, that’s nice…   Monday: Back to reality after my amazing writing retreat of last week… And I really did go back to reality, as I spent nearly five hours thoroughly […]

Weeknotes – S07E26 – Phenomenal on Every Level

Summary: Phenomenal writing retreat, exciting new paid editing clients, a massive mindset shift regarding what to do with the nonfiction book, plus a solid idea for my next novel! Fantastic progress on all fronts!   Monday: New week, still on retreat! This morning, the subconscious crew started rewriting the opening scene of Legacy in my […]

Weeknotes – S07E25 – Retreats Are The Best!

Summary: Fantastic week, mostly due to going on retreat! I finished the first draft of my fifth novel and secured enough work from the other writers on the retreat to fill up the rest of the summer!   Monday: I wrote the next Darkness scene first thing. I hadn’t been looking forward to it, because […]