Weeknotes – S02E07

Summary:   Not a huge amount of work done this week, but some exciting submissions completed, and everything kept ticking over nicely.   Monday:   I helped Bear post his account of the Thorpeness reading retreat.   Then I formatted a story and submitted it to an upcoming anthology publication.   Tuesday:   I did […]

Weeknotes – S02E06

Summary:   A bit scattershot this week, but good progress on some projects.   Monday:   I did today’s word at www.oneword.com   Tuesday:   I continued my plan of getting back into writing slowly by doing a slightly longer piece from the day’s image prompt at Pobble 365.   Wednesday:   I used Pobble […]

Weeknotes – S02E05

Summary: Two abortive writing sessions this week, and then a complete break from writing altogether. So, apparently, writing every day lasted about a month!   Monday: I did today’s Detox prompt.   Tuesday: I wrote a couple of reviews at lunchtime and did today’s Detox prompt. My intended after-work cafe was full and, by the […]

Weeknotes S02E04

Summary:   I experienced both accomplishment and doubt this week, so a fairly typical few days as a writer! I’m generally very pleased with the focus I’m managing to keep on my writing, but I’m also very well aware how far I still have to go to get where I want to be. Monday:   […]

Weeknotes S02E03

Summary: Good use of available time this week, and two new cafes discovered that are okay for emergency writing sessions. I’m also doing very well on my habit pledge, as I’ve only missed two writing days in the year so far.   Monday: I planned to have today off from writing, but was adding submission […]

Weeknotes – S02E02

Summary: Writing every day, which is very unusual for me. Some days, it was just the Writers’ Block Detox prompt, but it all counts!   Monday: I made my way to Good and Proper to meet Ann, not feeling particularly enthused. I decided just to work on one thing at a time, see how it […]

Weeknotes – S02E01

Summary:   Lots of focus on writing this week, but I perhaps overestimated how much my brain would be prepared to put up with. It’s good to have lots of things to work on, but I need to be realistic about what I can achieve, and also make sure I schedule in time to relax! […]

Weeknotes – S01E18

Summary: Not too much done this week, but more than I expected, so  good end to the year!   Wednesday: I had some random inspiration about a major plot point in Colours so wrote some hasty notes to ensure I didn’t lose the new ideas.   Friday: I hadn’t intended to write anything on the […]

Weeknotes – S01E17

Summary:   I managed to work on writing projects every day of my week off before Christmas, which was satisfying, and made me feel better about taking some time off over the festive period. Big plans for the New Year, though!   Monday:   An interminable trip to Lowestoft gave me the opportunity to write […]

Weeknotes – S01E16

Summary: Lots of plans to think about for next year – and hopefully some more stuff to achieve this year.   Monday: Very slow start to my writing date with Ann today. I still felt scattered and it was hard to get on with stuff. I eventually started with this month’s discussion post for GYWO, […]