Weeknotes – S07E14 – Trying Too Hard

Summary: Tons of writing and paid editing completed this week – everything going pretty well, though perhaps edging over into a bit too much scheduled!   Monday: After somehow failing to write any Darkness at all last week, I put it back at the top of the schedule today and managed to write the next […]

Weeknotes – S07E12 – Still Going Strong

Summary: Still going strong on the novel and novella front – here’s hoping that continues for a while, since I have firm external deadlines for both now! Lots of exciting and varied stuff happening on the paid editing front, too, so writing/editing life is good!   Monday: Up and at my desk before nine, but […]

Weeknotes – S07E10 – Enforced Rest

Summary: Seven days of ‘writing’, though not necessarily that much ‘actual’ progress. Things will need to ramp up next week, though, as I have a *lot* to do.   Monday: It feels like a long time since I actually managed to do a ‘proper’ work and writing day, so… After only a small amount of […]

Weeknotes – S07E08 – Lots Going On

Summary: Another seven-day ‘writing’ week. The novel is still going well and there are lots of interesting projects coming up on the paid editing front. I’m feeling a bit more enthused about things in general – so yay!   Monday: Monday again! And time to eat the frog… So I wrote the next Darkness scene […]

Weeknotes – S07E07 – Still Trucking

Summary: Still trucking along with the novel, still looking at agents for the two books I’m querying, still working reasonably hard for paying clients – all progress is good progress.   Monday: After not having a particularly productive week last week, I knuckled down and wrote the next Darkness scene. Then it was back to […]

Weeknotes – S07E06 – Work-Lite

Summary: Technically, a seven-day writing week, but only because of novel notes and reviews – but hey, all progress is good progress, and a chilled-out weekend has left me more enthused about committing to a better work ethic all round.   Monday: I kept to my novel-writing plan, working on the next scene of Darkness […]

Weeknotes – S07E05 – More Frog-Eating

Summary: Frog-eating the novel is still working as planned and I picked up some chunky paid projects to keep me busy for most of February. We’re a bit behind on the podcast, but it’s supposed to be fun, so there’s no use putting ourselves under undue pressure over it.   Monday: Sticking with my ‘eat […]