Weeknotes – S06E32 – Interrupted by Trip Away

Summary: I did manage one full day of both paid editing and working on my own writing projects this week! I was away Thursday through Sunday, though, so that’s not bad overall!   Monday: I worked mostly on the fantasy novel for my writing retreat friend today, though I also edited a chapter of the […]

Weeknotes – S06E31 – Creativity Re-emerging

Summary: I feel like I’m gradually getting back into the swing of things, both on the work and the writing front!   Tuesday: I finished editing the courtroom novella and sent it back to the author, who was very happy with the outcome. I also managed to add a bit more to the Meditations manuscript, […]

Weeknotes – S06E30 – Getting There Slowly

Summary: Good progress on paid client work, and enough work set up for next month, which is good. Still a bit slow on getting back to my own writing projects, but gradually chugging along.   Monday: I finally made it back to the cafe after more than three weeks away. Getting up in the morning […]

Weeknotes – S06E27 – Pretty Much A Bust

Summary: We were on holiday most of the week, then came home with Covid… Luckily, my upcoming client projects have long deadlines so I don’t have to start them right away. But I haven’t worked on either of my books since coming back from retreat over four weeks ago…   Monday: Dave and I completed […]

Weeknotes – S06E24 – Back to Work

Summary: My focus was more on paid editing this week, after last week’s retreat, so I didn’t get much done on personal writing projects. But things are still ticking over!   Tuesday: I spent quite a bit of the morning doing a text-chat interview with a prospective client, which was quite complex and I wasn’t […]

Weeknotes – S06E23 – A Very Successful Retreat

Summary: Great second half to my retreat, followed by a relaxing weekend off.   Monday: I had a late start today, but that’s okay – I was kind of on holiday after all! And sleeping is so important, Baldrick. Once I got settled, I put together the formatting framework for Meditations, then drafted the Introduction […]

Weeknotes – S06E22 – Back to Stickwick!

Summary: An excellent work week followed by the first few days of a wonderful writing retreat. Really great progress on exciting new projects.   Monday: Back to the cafe today for a full day of writing and editing. On my new schedule, starting after I get back from retreat, Mondays in the cafe will be […]