Weeknotes – S07E05 – More Frog-Eating


Frog-eating the novel is still working as planned and I picked up some chunky paid projects to keep me busy for most of February. We’re a bit behind on the podcast, but it’s supposed to be fun, so there’s no use putting ourselves under undue pressure over it.



Sticking with my ‘eat the frog’ approach, I worked on the next scene for Darkness first. As with the previous two scenes, written last week, the words flowed reasonably easily once I started, and I felt good about what I produced.

Next, I finished developmental comments on the software engineering book and sent it back to the author.

I also edited the next section of the Canadian YA book, which I was really enjoying.

After that, I did a couple of submissions and I started thinking about a new short story, aiming to complete something for an upcoming submission call.



The Canadian YA novel was my only remaining client project, so I worked on that throughout the morning, breaking it up with a bit more Darkness drafting. The latter didn’t flow as easily today, but I still managed half a scene, which was the basic target of my session.

Later, I wrote a review of a graphic novel I finished the day before and found a couple more agents to submit Meditations to.



I had two Zoom meetings with prospective editing clients, one of which turned into a confirmed project.



I was going to take today off, but I got an urgent project from a new client, so I spent some time this morning going over her summary, outline and novel opening and provided in-depth developmental feedback.

Later, I attempted to set the subconscious crew the task of coming up with ideas for the next Darkness scene at 9am tomorrow – but, since they’re super-keen at the moment, they started throwing ideas at me immediately and then came up with some awesome stuff just before I went to bed. So, I added some notes to the manuscript for my session tomorrow.



I continued with my schedule of doing work on Darkness first. Even with a clear idea of what I was going to write next, it was still really difficult to make myself actually start work on it – I really wish I could be one of those writers that just churns out thousands of words every day with no problem! Do they actually exist?

Then I went back to the Canadian YA novel and edited a fair chunk more of that.

After lunch, I knuckled down and finally got around to editing the latest podcast episode.


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