Technically, a seven-day writing week, but only because of novel notes and reviews – but hey, all progress is good progress, and a chilled-out weekend has left me more enthused about committing to a better work ethic all round.
I kept to my novel-writing plan, working on the next scene of Darkness before moving on to anything else today. It flowed really well again – the subconscious crew are going above and beyond with their work at the moment!
Then it was back to the Canadian YA novel to edit the penultimate section. But I got so caught up in the story, I ended up finishing the whole thing.
After that, I wrote a review of the book I finished the night before and also went through this month’s Writing Magazine and added some submission opportunities to my rolling spreadsheet.
The software engineer writer had completed revisions based on my developmental feedback, so I started the copy editing phase of that project.
My prison memoir publisher client had also popped back up with a new book to edit. It was separated into thirty different Google documents, one for each chapter, so my first task was to compile it into one Word document in the right order, which was a bit fiddly.
Later, I did some more prep for the next podcast episode.
I didn’t get much sleep the night before, so I decided to take it a bit easy today.
The subconscious crew came up with some great ideas to expand an early Darkness scene, and some good stuff for the next one, so I added some words to what I already had, and made notes for the next bit.
My paid editing for the day was working on the software engineering book and the prison memoir, so two very different projects, which is always nice! But once I’d got through the next section of the software engineering book, I was totally knackered and thought I probably wouldn’t do my best work if I carried on to start the next project. So, I used my prerogative as a freelancer and postponed it to another day.
Later, I did some more prep for the next podcast episode.
The subconscious crew had a lot of great ideas to deepen one of the antagonists in Darkness when I woke up this morning, so I added some notes to my plan.
I also wrote a review of a book I finished the day before.
I edited the next section of the software engineering book and also did more prep for the next podcast episode.
I wrote a review about the musical we went to see the night before.
I finished up my notes for the next podcast episode.
I wrote a review of the new game we played the night before.