Summary: Ah, Stickwick! The writing retreat of champions! Five new short pieces completed, lots of brainstorming and a ton of structural work on the second novel. A very productive week. Monday: I was up early so I found homes for a few unassigned pieces, sending them back out into the world for judgement. On […]
Tag: Weeknotes
Weeknotes – S03E08 – Completing and Submitting
Summary: Typical short story cycle this week. After weeks of not being able to start, I sat down and completed the first draft in one sitting. If only I could do this on demand! Monday: Judicious use of a five-hour gap between appointments saw me ensconced at Good & Proper for the afternoon. […]
Weeknotes – S03E07 – Fighting Through Pain
Summary: I did something unfortunate to my neck over the weekend so had difficulty focusing and being productive this week, but I still wrote or planned or organised or brainstormed at least a little bit every day, and that’s very definitely a win. Monday: I had to wait in for a delivery so I […]
Weeknotes S03E06 – Chipping Away Bit By Bit
Summary: Lots of minor progress on a variety of both big and small projects. Still a bit scattered, but I’m pleased I’m maintaining my daily writing habit. Monday: Back to The Turk’s Head in Wapping for a session with Ann today, which evoked memories of sitting outside in the sun all last summer. I […]
Weeknotes – S03E05 – Ready To Launch
Summary: Still writing every day so far, and it’s not feeling like too much of a chore. And a couple of projects are now at the stage when I need to really launch into the meat of the work. Monday: I started with Day Three of Write With One Story 2019, then […]
Weeknotes – S03E04 – Slowly Building Towards Greatness
Summary: Another seven-day writing week, with lots of work on little habit-forming activities, but also some progress on bigger projects, and the start of an exciting new reviewing opportunity. Monday: Good intentions for a proper writing day at Good & Proper with Ann. I faffed around on the internet for half […]
Weeknotes S03E03 – Lots of Planning
Summary: Glad to be maintaining a daily habit, but I do feel as if I’m doing a lot of planning and a lot of noodling around, but not really actually getting on with anything substantial. Hopefully that will change next week with some proper scheduled writing sessions with other people. Monday: Made […]
Weeknotes – S03E02 – Exciting Things Are Afoot!
Summary: My 2019 goals are underway and looking closer to completion than ever. There’s a lot of work to do, but I’m excited to get started and see where it takes me. Monday: A good and proper writing session at Good & Proper with Ann. I initially got distracted for a while by the […]
Weeknotes – S03E01 – Start As You Mean To Go On!
Summary: Very happy with the start to my 2019 writing. So far, I’ve worked on it every day (though I don’t intend to keep that up past January) and I’m excited about what I’m going to achieve this year. Tuesday: I edited a piece of flash fiction down from 650 words to just under […]
Weeknotes – S02E51 – 2018 Wrap-Up
Summary: I’m pleased overall with my 2018 writing. I revised my first novel and got a good response from submitting it. I worked on my second novel and have a plan for taking it forwards. I wrote several really good short stories and got a fair few published. I found paid work in the […]