Weeknotes – S02E49 – Plague!

Summary: Being ill sucks. No writing (or much of anything) for me in the first half of the week, though I did manage some bits and pieces in the second half, in between all the coughing and nose-blowing.   Thursday: I started out by reading a blog post about maintaining your writing habit, which I […]

Weeknotes – S02E48 – Tailing Off…

Summary: Not a very productive week. Mostly just admin and reviews.   Monday: I met Ann at our old stomping grounds in Brick Lane, and started out with a blog post about the benefits of fanfiction, which got picked up and retweeted by the creators of Fanatical: The Sci-Fi Convention Musical. Then I faffed around […]

Weeknotes – S02E45 – Finally Some Fiction!

Summary: A good amount of stuff achieved, and finally some fiction!   Monday: I helped Bear post about our most recent reading retreat.   Tuesday: I wrote reviews of all the books I read while on retreat.   Thursday: I took the opportunity of a long gap between appointments in town to settle myself at […]

Weeknotes – S02E41 – Very Little To See Here

Summary: Very little going on this week.   Tuesday: I went through Writing Magazine and added more upcoming submission opportunities to my rolling spreadsheet. I also wrote a letter to Writing Magazine about cultural appropriation, in response to a letter from another reader in this month’s edition.   Wednesday: I wrote some reviews.