Weeknotes – S07E27 – Super Productivity

Summary: My third seven-day writing/editing week in a row! And I’m still excited about both my paid editing work and my own personal projects! So, that’s nice…   Monday: Back to reality after my amazing writing retreat of last week… And I really did go back to reality, as I spent nearly five hours thoroughly […]

Weeknotes – S07E26 – Phenomenal on Every Level

Summary: Phenomenal writing retreat, exciting new paid editing clients, a massive mindset shift regarding what to do with the nonfiction book, plus a solid idea for my next novel! Fantastic progress on all fronts!   Monday: New week, still on retreat! This morning, the subconscious crew started rewriting the opening scene of Legacy in my […]

Weeknotes – S07E25 – Retreats Are The Best!

Summary: Fantastic week, mostly due to going on retreat! I finished the first draft of my fifth novel and secured enough work from the other writers on the retreat to fill up the rest of the summer!   Monday: I wrote the next Darkness scene first thing. I hadn’t been looking forward to it, because […]

Slogging Along

I’m really not sure what’s going on with my current novel.   I call it ‘novel number five’, but that’s not entirely accurate, because number four never got past 40k words, so it can’t really be called a novel, but hey….   Anyway, I first dreamed up (literally!) the idea for number five in April […]

Weeknotes – S07E23 – Bookend Productivity

Summary: Good start and end to the week, but understandably disrupted in the middle – all good, though, with lots of great stuff planned for next week.   Monday: I got up late and faffed around for quite a while, mostly pitching for more paid editing work, as I had nothing on the docket for […]

Weeknotes – S07E21 – Solid Entry

Summary: I would say this week was a solid entry on the productivity, creativity and income-earning fronts.   Monday: Up early but lots of faff, so didn’t settle down to work/writing until 9am, with a fairly extensive list to get through. I started, as planned, with the next Darkness scene, then alternated my two remaining […]