Weeknotes – S08E23 – Weird Without Novel


It feels weird not to be working on a novel at the moment, but I did make progress in other areas, both paid and unpaid.



I split the morning between paid editing projects – the cybersecurity book and the RPG text.

In the afternoon, I had grand plans to continue with the current marketing/editing courses I started ages ago, but I got bogged down in life admin and a very full inbox and didn’t get around to it.

I did manage to review a board game we played the day before – Guilds of London.



More cybersecurity and PRG text editing in the morning.

I also posted my most recent short story to the TL;DR Slack for feedback.

During Revision Club, I chatted quite a bit with Carla about her novel, which is coming my way again for copy editing in the relatively new future and I’m really looking forward to working on it.

I also did some rejigging of the free resources for both my and Stanley’s email subscribers. I went through some more of the course on getting online book reviews and made some notes.

Later, I had a call with my new developmental editor for the second draft of my current novel, A Darkness Divided, which was fun, since I already know her from one of my mastermind groups.

I also watched the first Hunger Games film to finish off my script for the next solo episode of the podcast, which ended up being way too long.



I went through my whole Hunger Games podcast script, added in all the extra bits needed and edited it. It’s way too long for a solo episode, but there wasn’t anything I wanted to cut out!

I also edited the latest main podcast episode.



I headed out early for the freelance co-working day at the Hart Shoreditch, which was awesome – I connected more with some of the people I met last time and also met more cool people. One of them is writing a travel memoir and might be interested in my editing services!

I worked on various paid editing projects – I finished the cybersecurity book, did a final proofread of the relationship card game I edited a couple of months ago, and kept plugging away at the RPG text.

Later, I wrote my blog post for the month.



I wrote a review of The Count of Monte Cristo, which I finally finished the day before.

I also wrote a fair few more notes for my Catching Fire podcast episode.



I recorded and edited The Hunger Games episode of my solo podcast series.

I also made more notes for the Catching Fire episode.

Later, I released the next main episode of the podcast.


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