Weeknotes – S08E22 – Bits and Pieces


This week was rather bitty and I don’t feel like I made a lot of progress, but there was at least some and that’s okay.



I spent the morning re-establishing my usual routine by working on paid editing projects – the second half of the volunteering book, the second half of the RPG text and the penultimate section of the spy novel.

After lunch, it was Revision Club, which is always lovely. Everyone was impressed that I’d finished my novel revisions a week early and they were also excited to get the chance to read my current draft, so that was nice.

I posted a toilet review from the pub where we had lunch the day before and also helped Bear with his post about our weekend away in Dorset.



Since Monday was spent travelling back from Dorset and we’ve got lunch with a friend in Bethnal Green on Thursday, I had another working Wednesday this week.

Traditional morning spent cycling between paid editing projects – I completed the volunteering book and the spy novel, as well as the next few files of RPG text.

I had a focus session in the afternoon and created a new sheet of journal prompts for Stanley’s newsletter subscribers.

Then I watched the selected film for the next podcast episode and wrote my notes.



I started a new paid editing project this morning – a book about cybersecurity. I also did some more of the RPG text.

I sent out Stanley’s latest newsletter and also answered some queries on a short story for a client.



I’ve been working on the next solo podcast script for a while, but I added quite a lot of notes on The Hunger Games today. So much so, that I’m worried it’s going to be too long…

We also recorded the next main episode of the podcast. And I did a review of the first six volumes of Witch Hat Atelier, a manga series I’ve been very much enjoying.

I also got an email out of the blue from a new prospective editing client, who got my details from all my GYWO posts, which was a lovely way to get unexpected work! And later, a friend put me in touch with someone who might want editing for their book series, also out of the blue, so it was a good day for random work contacts!


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