Weeknotes – S06E20 – Benefits of Flexibility

Summary: After my recent weeks of major productivity, things went slightly awry this week – but only because the entire point of my new freelance existence is so I can be flexible about my work and writing time, so it’s all good.   Monday: I went to the cafe and did a fair amount of […]

Sustaining Productivity

I had a topic all prepared, talking about how amazingly productive I’ve been in recent weeks, and how I’m hopeful it will be sustainable long-term, because I have a good attitude towards flexibility, taking breaks, and doing things that are good for both my mental and physical health.   And all of that is still […]

Weeknotes – S06E19 – Finding My Groove

Summary: Another very productive week – I seem to have found my groove, at least temporarily! And I gained a lovely new paid editing client, who left me a glowing testimonial and promised me more work, which was nice.   Monday: Got to the cafe at 8:15am today! I was all ready to get started […]

Weeknotes – S06E18 – Maximally Productive

Summary: Another very productive week. I had an extra ‘day off’ but ended up working on non-paid, non-novel projects on that day, so it ended up being really useful!   Monday: I had a lot of contact from potential new paid editing clients, and did a sample edit for one of them. Later, I helped […]

Weeknotes – S06E17 – Creative Overdrive

Summary: I seem to be in creative overdrive at the moment, in terms of ideas and productivity. I just wish I had the time and energy to keep up! I’m really enthused about both my paid editing and my own writing – long may it continue!   Monday: I had a last-minute opportunity to meet […]

Weeknotes – S06E16 – Subconscious Crew Gone Rogue!

Summary: I decided to start doing morning pages this week, and there may have been some quite startling results… Glad I didn’t have a huge amount of paid editing to do this week, as the subconscious crew went rogue!   Monday: I reviewed a computer game.   Tuesday: After reading an interview with Julia Cameron […]

Approaching Revisions

Recent work on my third novel has been an interesting rollercoaster of emotions. As mentioned in my last couple of blog posts, I’ve been thinking a lot about my outlining process, and I’ve also been enjoying working on a comprehensive revision plan for this novel.   And the result of both of those has been […]

Weeknotes – S06E15 – Planning complete

Summary: I finished my revision plan for the third novel this week – which means I have to start the new draft next week! Eek!   Monday: Cafe day today – settled at my usual table by 8:30am, as I had a lot to do. I started by going through my flash draft and refining/expanding […]

Weeknotes – S06E14 – Progress on All Fronts

Summary: Well, that was an unexpected seven-day writing week! I did a lot of very enjoyable paid editing, and made at least some progress on my own writing projects, so I’m declaring a victory!   Monday: I decided it would be best to stay at home today, so I settled on the sofa (with Stanley […]

Weeknotes – S06E13 – Plans Interrupted

Summary: My writing week didn’t go entirely according to plan, but all progress is good progress! And sometimes things get in the way, and it’s okay.   Monday: Today was the start of my ‘new routine’! I had decided that, on returning from the writing retreat, I would establish a new routine of paid work […]