Weeknotes – S07E17 – Projects are Multiple and Varied


This was apparently a seven-day writing week! I don’t remember being particularly productive, but I’ll take it! I did branch out into some new and interesting projects, and it felt good to try something different and less pressured/vast than the novel.



After taking most of last week off from my own writing, I got back to writing Darkness today and added a new scene.

Then I edited the next chapter of the 1980s novel, before moving on to novella revision!

My amazing writing exchange partner, Hannah, had done a fantastic job of giving me tons of great feedback on the novella, so I went through it all in detail and made revision notes. I also corrected the few typos and grammatical errors my parents had found on reading it.

After that, it was back to editing the yoga novel for a bit.

Later, I went for a long walk specifically to finish my current audiobook, so I then wrote my review.



I was planning to go to the cafe today, but I didn’t sleep very well and decided to stay at home, where it’s comfier. I was determined not to wimp out on my to-do list, though!

I started with the next Darkness scene, then edited the next chapter of the 1980s novel.

I went through the rest of the feedback I’d received on the novella, changed the ending completely – and then submitted it! This felt really good – even though I knew there was a lot more I could do to improve it. But I was happy with the version I sent in for the submission call I wrote it for – and decided I could always come back to it and revise it further at a later date.

I edited the next section of the yoga novel, then had a well-deserved lunch.

After that, I wrote a second Darkness scene, then started a new developmental editing project on a fantasy romance novel, which was really fun, though trickier than I’d expected.

I rounded off the day with a few more submissions.



I started a new project in a truly gorgeous journal a very good friend gave me for my birthday. I decided I would fill it with solo journaling roleplaying games! The first one I selected was Her Odyssey, where you play a wanderer trying to find her way home and encountering various hazards along the way. I did the character creation and game setup, and read the rules.



The subconscious crew came up with some more ideas for Darkness, so I added more notes to my outline.

I also completed Day One of Her Odyssey, creating an entry for my character in my lovely journal.

I also wrote a brief review of another book I DNF’d.

In the evening, I got feedback on the Legacy query package from one of the RevPit editors, which was a little demoralising, but really just told me things I already knew. I decided not to think about an action plan immediately, since reacting to feedback in the moment is never a good idea!



I woke up with some ideas for Legacy that wouldn’t be too onerous to implement, so I wrote a revision plan, which will give me something to get my teeth into over the summer, while Amie is looking at Darkness for the first time.

I also worked on three client editing projects – the 1980s novel, the yoga novel and the fantasy romance novel.



I posted about the upcoming Owl Canyon team writing competition on the TL;DR Slack, asking if anyone wanted to pair up with me for it – but I didn’t get any responses. Later, I was telling my husband Dave about it and randomly suggested we work on it together – and he agreed! We talked about our approach and did a bit of planning.



I set up a shared document for the Owl Canyon story, inserted the provided opening and closing paragraphs and launched into my first contribution to the project – paragraph 2. Then I sent the link to the document to Dave to continue with paragraph 3.

I also completed Day Two of Her Odyssey in my gorgeous journal.


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