Weeknotes – S06E47 – New Thoughts

Summary: A very slow work week, though I did have some new thoughts on the novel for the first time in a long while.   Monday: I did a submission and also sorted out my work schedule for the upcoming week, after having had quite a bit of time off.   Tuesday: I started work […]

Baby Steps

A couple of months ago, I edited a book for a client about being productive and achieving your goals if you struggle with ADHD. One of the items in the book was a list of habit tracking apps – I had a look through and was attracted by Habitica, which has an RPG theme. You […]

Weeknotes – S06E46 – Disrupted Schedule

Summary: Disrupted schedule this week, but I won some new projects and also worked a bit on the novel.   Monday: Still in my tiny Airbnb hideaway in Norfolk for one more day! I wrote a review of the book I finished the previous night and collated a few more Darkness notes. Later, I finished […]

Weeknotes – S06E43 – Taking It Easy

Summary: I took quite a bit of time off this week – and went back to not working on the novel… Ah, well!   Monday: Bit of a late start today, but I managed to make very good progress with what was left of the morning. I did developmental editing on the next sections of […]