Dabbling In Drabbles

A lot of my focus so far this year has been on editing my first novel and finishing the first draft of my second. When I completed both over the summer, I planned to take a break from writing altogether for a few weeks, to recharge and enjoy the lack of deadlines. But what actually […]

Weeknotes – S03E36 – Tidbits and Reviews

Summary: Mostly little bits and pieces this week, though activities did include a fair amount of organising and planning of bigger projects.   Monday: I did some reorganising of my writing projects, to fit upcoming submission opportunities. I also typed up all the notes from my current notebook and read some more of Steal Like […]

Weeknotes – S03E35 – Slowing Down Again

Summary: My awesome motivation levels and resulting productivity have taken a nose-dive this week, But that’s okay. I’m enjoying spending more time on reviews and I’m doing a lot of editing work for other people, which makes an interesting change.   Monday: After ignoring Colours for weeks, I finally got around to editing the first […]

Weeknotes – S03E34 – Lots of Reviewing

Summary: Lots of reviews, rather than actual fiction writing, but at least I’m doing proper, in-depth reviews rather than only a couple of lines. I realised part of the problem was that I was trying to avoid spoilers, so I’ve given up on that now and find I have a lot more to say about […]

Weeknotes – S03E33 – Still On A Roll

Summary: Second seven-day writing week in a row – apparently, I’m turning into Stephen King! I completely disagree with his view that you have to write every day to be a “proper” writer, but I’ll go along with my brain’s enthusiasm if that’s what it actually wants to do!   Monday: I went to a […]

A New Medium For Creativity

A few weeks ago, I was talking to Dave one evening and said something that made him laugh a lot. Out of the blue, he said, “We’re really funny. We should do a podcast.” I don’t think he was being serious, but the idea took root in my brain and just would not let go. […]

Weeknotes – S03E32 – Back To A Daily Habit

Summary: Another week where I wasn’t planning on doing much writing, but I ended up doing at least something every day, so my brain is obviously firing on all cylinders!   Monday: I brainstormed a couple of new stories a bit more and looked up an old Hour of Writes entry that could serve as […]

Weeknotes – S03E31 – More Creative Than Expected

Summary:   Still feeling more enthused about writing than I expected. Still enjoying getting back to new short pieces after all the time spent on both novels.   Monday:   I used a tried and tested method of getting some writing done today. I booked a doctor’s appointment at 9:15am and a cinema ticket for […]

Weeknotes – S03E29 – Continuing Apace

Summary: Very much on the home stretch for the first draft of Colours. I’m looking forward to taking a break from huge projects and working on some smaller stuff for the rest of the year.   Monday:   I went into town early and ensconced myself at Picturehouse Central with the intention of getting back […]