Weeknotes – S03E28 – The End is Nigh!

Summary: The end is definitely in sight for the Colours first draft and I had lots of interesting and useful writing experiences this week.   Tuesday: I met Kate at Highbury Fields and was interviewed for The Book Club Review podcast, then made my way to Canada Water and The Lodge Cafe to use the […]

What If It’s No Good?

My friend Charlie, who co-runs the Six Month Novel Programme, has a mantra for the writers she helps. When writing a first draft, give yourself permission to be “gloriously craptastic”. The most important thing is to get the words down on the page. You can edit later. Because, if you get caught up in doubts, […]

Weeknotes – S03E27 – Doing the Bare Minimum

Summary: Not a huge amount of time, energy or motivation this week, but still some progress. I think sending Artisan off to the publisher last weekend had a knock-on effect on my desire to work hard this week!   Monday: I went to a Write For Your Life workshop, which was wonderful, as always. It […]

Weeknotes – S03E26 – The Waiting Begins Again

Summary: Only two writing days this week, but a major milestone passed, as Artisan has now gone back to the publisher!   Friday: I wrote reviews of the books I read on reading retreat during the week and helped Bear with his post about the trip. I also went through some more of Dave’s Artisan […]

Weeknotes – S03E25 – It Takes Some Grit

Summary: I have a schedule now for completing Colours by my deadline. Two scenes per writing session. Every session so far, I have started by rewriting my schedule to see if I can give myself the excuse of not doing that day’s scenes. Then I have taken myself to task, knuckled down, and actually produced […]

Weeknotes S03E24 – Getting Back Into The Groove

Summary: Reasonably slow come-back after a break, but still good progress on both novels and a couple of other bits completed as well.   Wednesday: Still finding my feet after last week’s total break on retreat. I brainstormed ideas for an upcoming flash competition and wrote a 100-word story for another upcoming submission.   Thursday: […]

Taking A Complete Break

I’ve talked a lot in various blog entries about finding brain space, not taking on too much and trying not to put myself under too much pressure with my writing. But last week, I had an entirely new experience of taking a complete break from everything.   I went on a retreat at The Sharpham […]

Weeknotes – S02E23 – Appreciating Time Off

Summary: A welcome proper break from writing this week, with no guilt and a lot of reflection. Looking forward to picking it all back up again in the week coming.   Monday: I did some more Artisan edits based on feedback from my parents, then set off on retreat.   Tuesday to Friday: The retreat […]

Weeknotes – S03E22 – Meeting Targets

Summary: I gave myself a deadline of the end of this week to complete my edits on Artisan and get to the end of Colours Part One – and I succeeded with both! I also managed a fair few other writing targets, not least of which was clearing my submissions list. Fly, my pretties, fly! […]

Weeknotes – S03E21 – Still Feeling Good

Summary: Another productive week, particularly on the novels front. And also some great news of publication acceptances. So good all round.   Monday: Another reviewing day at the Brighton Fringe. I decided to get the train down early to write before my first show and cracked on with five more Colours scenes on the train. […]