Weeknotes – S03E44 – Percolation is Key

Summary: Mostly a break from podcasting this week and progress on the novella. Still just in the planning stages, though, and some further concerted effort required to really get it off the ground. But all progress is good progress and the idea is definitely percolating.   Monday: Amie from the Six Month Novel Programme sent […]

Weeknotes – S03E43 – The Podcast is Live!

Summary: Some good progress on my novella project, but then the rest of the week was eaten by the podcast again. However, now that’s live and on a regular posting schedule, I should have more time (hopefully) to dedicate to other projects.   Monday: I planned my day to maximise my writing output, heading out […]

Weeknotes – S03E42 – Still Lacking Focus

Summary: Still not a huge amount of progress on the writing front, despite some scheduled sessions with other people. I’m really struggling to focus for long periods at the moment.   Monday: I watched a film and wrote notes both for a fanfiction challenge and the podcast. I then wrote my fanfiction for the Space […]

Weeknotes – S03E41 – Tailing Off

Summary: Not a lot of writing this week, despite a resolution to do more focused sessions. Ah well, there’s always next week!   Monday: I was due to meet Geena at Picturehouse Central at 1pm so I went in early with the intention of really getting on with tons of writing stuff that’s been languishing […]

Weeknotes – S03E40 – Media Analysis for the Win!

Summary: Still largely podcast-focused, but I think that’s fine, since it’s a new and exciting project that I’m absolutely loving. Lots of reviews as well, since I read 4 books in less than 48 hours at a family reading retreat over the weekend.   Monday: I edited the second main episode of the podcast. I’m […]

Size Matters

Most writing projects, regardless of genre and purpose, will have some kind of restrictions and/or guidance in terms of length. From novels to novellas to novelettes to short stories to flash fiction to drabbles, the categorisation of stories has a lot to do with word count. And, even within these categories, most publishers and competitions […]