Weeknotes – S05E36 – Need More Time Off

Summary: Very busy week, demonstrating that I’m not very good at taking time off! Still, lots of exciting stuff going on with the paid editing, plus definite progress on both novels.   Monday: Bit of a slow start after a late night! My most frequent client had also sent a message to say that some […]

Unusual Encounter

A whole range of circumstances had to come together for what happened on Monday afternoon… I got up late and thought about not bothering going to my favourite cafe to work, but decided I would after all. It was a Bank Holiday, so Dave joined me around lunchtime and we shared a joint focus session […]

Weeknotes – S05E35 – Busy in a Good Way

Summary: Busy, busy, but all good. Lots of interesting paid projects, and also significant progress on my own writing projects. So a great writing week all round!   Tuesday: Back from holiday and eager to get back to work! I started out by editing the next section of the Haitian drama, then did the next […]

Weeknotes – S05E34 – Work and Holiday

Summary: Getting excited about my new novel, and also working on a lot of interesting paid editing projects.   Monday: I reviewed the film we went to see the night before and also approved edits on a short story of mine that’s in an upcoming anthology. Later, I had some more thoughts about Machine, so […]

Weeknotes – S05E33 – Breaking Ground

Summary: I started work on my fourth novel! This is very exciting, and suggests I have actually managed to find a balance now between paid editing and my own writing projects.   Monday: As I worked on Sunday, I had planned to have the whole of today off, but a short, urgent task came through […]

Weeknotes – S05E32 – New Fiction Completed!

Summary: Lots more variety and plenty to do on the paid editing front. I also completed, got feedback on, revised and submitted my first new short story in a while! Plus, I did a tone of marketing for my upcoming second novel. So, a good, balanced week!   Monday: I got some more editing work […]

A Spectrum of Heroes

My second novel, A Spectrum of Heroes, is out soon from Markosia Ltd. It’s got superpowers, it’s got aliens, it’s got relationship angst, it’s got badass ladies saving the world! The release date is 6 September but it’s available for pre-order now!

Unexpected new career!

“Are you still doing editing on the side?”   Eight little words on WhatsApp, from a writer friend of mine, was all it took.   We’d been exchanging short stories and novel manuscripts for feedback for years, ever since we both finished the first draft of our first novel on an Arvon course, back in […]

Weeknotes – S05E31 – Finding My Groove

Summary: Still lots of interesting work on the paid editing front, though I am finding it difficult to integrate my own writing into my new schedule, as I had feared. I have ideas about how to approach this, but I think it’s going to take some time to figure out.   Monday: After a broken […]