Weeknotes – S02E45 – Finally Some Fiction!

Summary: A good amount of stuff achieved, and finally some fiction!   Monday: I helped Bear post about our most recent reading retreat.   Tuesday: I wrote reviews of all the books I read while on retreat.   Thursday: I took the opportunity of a long gap between appointments in town to settle myself at […]

Weeknotes – S02E41 – Very Little To See Here

Summary: Very little going on this week.   Tuesday: I went through Writing Magazine and added more upcoming submission opportunities to my rolling spreadsheet. I also wrote a letter to Writing Magazine about cultural appropriation, in response to a letter from another reader in this month’s edition.   Wednesday: I wrote some reviews.  

Weeknotes – S02E40 – Still Ticking Along

Summary: Some good progress and a couple of decent sessions, with lots of planning. So, everything still ticking over.   Monday: I formatted and sent over four different pieces for the first Etre prompt. They’re looking for short stories, non-fiction essays, poetry and short lyrical pieces, so I sent one of each to see what […]

Weeknotes – S02E39 – A Whole New Story!

Summary: All I needed were a couple of decent stretches of scheduled writing time and look at all the things I achieved!   Monday: I went to a Write For Your Life session after work, which was fun. I think I prefer the more creative side of No Grammar Required, but I’ll happily go to […]