Weeknotes – S03E33 – Still On A Roll


Second seven-day writing week in a row – apparently, I’m turning into Stephen King! I completely disagree with his view that you have to write every day to be a “proper” writer, but I’ll go along with my brain’s enthusiasm if that’s what it actually wants to do!



I went to a highly entertaining Write For Your Life session, run by the lovely Claire. The theme for the evening was sleep and we counted sheep, explored our attitudes towards sleeping, and wrote a letter to our pillow. It was lots of fun and a great way to play around with writing.



I met Hannah after work and started my space opera version of Snow White for an upcoming anthology submission.



I sandwiched a writing session at Picturehouse Central between an osteopathy session and a gaming session. I wrote this month’s GYWO discussion, then finished the first draft of my Snow White story and sent it to Dave for feedback. I ended my session with another drabble for this month’s Black Hare Press competition. 



I met Ann at Cafe Piazza and spent some time updating and consolidating my projects list. Then I wrote a blog post about developing a podcast. I wrote a couple of reviews and did some critiquing on Scribophile with a view to posting one of my recent stories for feedback. Then I edited an existing story I’ve been trying to get published for some time, so that it would fit the word count of an upcoming competition it’s really well suited for.

After I got home, I watched the first assigned piece of media for the podcast and wrote copious notes for the first episode.



I did a ton of submissions and also typed up all my notes for the first podcast episode.



Dave and I worked on developing the podcast, I did a review and also helped Bear with his second post about Norway.

I also did another couple of critiques on Scribophile and posted a story for feedback once I had enough points.



I did some more Scribophile critiquing, posted my antagonist introduction scene to Six Month Novel Programme, and did another couple of submissions.


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