Not a huge amount of time, energy or motivation this week, but still some progress. I think sending Artisan off to the publisher last weekend had a knock-on effect on my desire to work hard this week!
I went to a Write For Your Life workshop, which was wonderful, as always. It was a lot of fun to free-write disposable pieces, instead of worrying about honing novels. I also ended up with one piece I might keep and hone for submission somewhere and spent time with lovely people, some of whom have suggested we meet more regularly, which would be great.
I wrote a book review.
I got confirmation that three of my five latest drabble submissions had been accepted for publication and I submitted eight more stories to various publications and competitions for consideration.
I completed the next two scenes of Colours, wrote an entry for the AWC Furious Fiction July competition and did a review of a game I played for the first time during the week.
I also went through this month’s Writing Magazine and added new submission opportunities to my rolling spreadsheet.
I helped Bear post about our recent trip to Puntcon.
I had intended to do a writing session this afternoon but was so exhausted I decided to shift my scheduled writing for today onto Tuesday, when I have a whole day’s session planned.