Weeknotes – S05E12 – Progress on All Fronts

Summary: Lots more progress on the third novel, and even a draft of a new flash fiction piece as well, not to mention another podcast episode completed. Go, me! Monday: The subconscious crew started the week with a ton of new ideas for Safeguarding, filling in small (and huge) holes in the plot, working out […]

Weeknotes – S05E11 – Third Novel Well Underway

Summary: Good progress on the third novel, with some other bits and pieces thrown in – though I really want to dedicate some time to a new short story next week.   Monday: I broke my usual rule this morning and started out with several submissions and a Bear post, rather than Safeguarding. But, in […]

Weeknotes – S05E10 – Breaking New Ground

Summary: I finally broke new ground on novel number three, which was exciting! I didn’t get quite as far as I’d hoped across the week, but all progress is good progress, and I’m very much on track for a completed first draft before the end of the year.   Monday: Scheduled focus session with Ann […]

Weeknotes – S05E03 – Most Important Thing First

Summary: I’m still keeping on track with revisions on the second novel, but not really getting much of anything else done. But that’s okay.   Monday: I had an accountability and reflection session with Claire from CP’s Day Off, which confirmed that my current strategy for ensuring progress on the most important things is the […]

Weeknotes – S05E02 – Back to Work

Summary: Back to the day job this week after a long festive break. It wasn’t too bad overall – I kept on top of work without getting stressed and I kept to my scheduled writing time, focusing on the one most important thing (Colours) each time, and also getting some other useful stuff done. I’m […]