Weeknotes – S05E49 – The End is Nigh!


The episode numbers of this season of Weeknotes are getting scarily close to the end… Though, it looks like I’ll have 53 episodes, rather than 52, presumably because I started a bit early at the beginning.



I have an awful lot of paid editing work between now and Christmas, which is great – but it means I’ll have to be extra specially dedicated if I want to keep to my deadlines on both novels. So, once I’d settled in at the cafe, I started with a new scene for both Machine and Legacy. I managed both quite easily, once I got going, which felt really good.

My first paid editing task for the day was finishing off the self-help book, which I submitted for approval. Then I completed editing on the contemporary romance novella, and submitted that back to the author as well.

Next up was a new, short project, editing the script for an online training programme. Then I went back to edit the next section of the mindfulness book, followed by some more of the giant memoir.

I finished off everything on my list by reading and commenting on some more of the TL;DR writer’s novel. A very productive eight-hour working day! But only the first of 12 working days still to go before Christmas, with most of them requiring just as much work as today.



I started out with the next scene of Machine, getting about halfway through, thinking about stopping, but then pushing through to the end, after all.

Then I completed editing on several blog articles for regular clients who had popped up late the night before with new work.

I’d had the amendments through on the romance novel I provided developmental editing for a while back, so I ran through those, made a couple more adjustments and sent it back.

After lunch, it was time for the next Revision Club call, which was a ‘working together’ session, in which I completed the next scene of Legacy.

Next on the list was scoring for another Ink & Insights competition entry, then it was back to commenting on the giant memoir.

Last on the list for the day was reading and commenting on the next section of the TL;DR writer’s novel.

Another long, but productive, day – though I went into my planned schedule for the next three weeks and moved some stuff around so that I didn’t have quite so much packed into every single day, as it was already starting to take a toll!



Flat to myself today, so I ensconced myself in the living room, next to Stanley the bear, with Apocalyptica playing on the Google Home speaker.

I started out with the next scene of Machine, then got to the end of the new sub-plot of Legacy, before embarking on my final round of scoring and comments for the Sixfold Short Story Competition.

I did several sample edits for prospective new clients and then finished editing the mindfulness book and sent it back to the author for approval.

There was a lot of back and forth with potential clients today, and I was worried about over-committing myself, as well as spending too much time on sample edits and negotiations. So, I rejigged my planned schedule yet again, to space things out a bit more and make sure I didn’t have more on than I could fit in the time available. It didn’t help that I was awaiting official confirmation of a couple of projects that were due to start next week, and that I had scheduled, but realised may not actually take place.

I made comments on another chunk of the giant memoir, and also on the penultimate section of the TL;DR writer’s novel.



Second day to myself in the flat, so back in the lounge with Stanley.

I released myself from novel-related obligations today, as I’d already made excellent progress on both this week, and had way too much other stuff to do.

I started out by completing my final round scoring and feedback obligations for the Sixfold competition.

First on the proper ‘work’ list was reviewing the illustrations for the self-help book I finished editing last week, to check the text for errors. Next was editing a lengthy blog article for a new (hopefully regular) client.

Then, I finished reading and commenting on the TL;DR writer’s novel, which was really fun overall, and I was glad to be able to offer feedback (not least because he was offering to give feedback on Legacy in return!).

After lunch, I completed adding comments to the second third of the giant memoir and submitted it back to the author for review.

And then I decided to call it a day!



A new, hopefully regular client, popped up overnight, so I completed edits on his first two blog articles.



I chased up my various clients for projects that were due to start next week, decided not to take any more work on before Christmas, and rejigged my schedule again, so I could stop work after 22nd rather than 23rd December.

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