Weeknotes – S05E51 – Good Progress on All Fronts


Lots of client projects coming towards the end this week – just a few more days next week to clear everything off my ‘work’ to-do list! Good progress on both novels too – looking good for my end-of-Jan deadlines.



Given the new Covid rules, I decided it would be better to stay at home this week, so no cafe today!

I started out by editing a short article for Dave, about a joint digital technology project he’s working on with someone in Canada.

Then I launched into the next scene for Machine.

First on the paid editing list for today was Chapter 6 of the children’s fantasy novel.

Then I moved on to complete editing on the book about writing, which I then submitted to the client for review and approval.

After lunch, I edited Chapter 7 of the children’s fantasy novel, a new blog article from a repeat client, and the next section of the alternate history novel.



I started out today by scoring my penultimate entry for the Ink & Insights competition, then went back to editing the alternate history novel.

After lunch, there was a Revision Club write-together session, so I worked on Legacy revisions.

A blog post came through from a regular client, so I edited that, and then I read and commented on the next section of the giant memoir..

Then, I rounded off my work day by editing Chapter 8 of the children’s fantasy novel.



I started the day by posting my monthly discussion for GYWO, then edited a new blog post from a relatively new client who was turning out to provide very regular, well-paid work.

I was scheduled to write the next scene of Machine, but it wasn’t happening, so I worked on some Legacy revisions instead.

Next up was Chapter 9 of the children’s fantasy novel, then the next section of the alternate history novel.

I edited Chapter 10 of the children’s fantasy novel, then read and made comments on the next section of the giant memoir.

I wrote a blog post about making friends with my writing.



The subconscious crew had been working hard overnight, and presented me with ideas for the next Machine scene, so I drafted that first today.

Then it was a case of alternating between the children’s fantasy novel (three chapters completed today), the alternate history novel, and the giant memoir.



I wrote a review of the second half of a series of books I finished the night before.


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