Weeknotes – S05E44 – Staying at Home


Stayed at home all this week, but still managed to get a reasonable amount of writing and work done. Lots of interesting projects on the go!



With Covid cases rising in the UK overall, and also in my local area, I decided to stay at home this week (I got pinged from contact at the cafe last Monday, though didn’t technically need to self-isolate), which meant a slower start today than intended, as I wasn’t feeling particularly motivated…

I negotiated with a new client regarding the first piece of work for them, and completed that as my first work task of the day – an article about pet health.

I also wrote a review of Dune, which we’d seen the day before.

Then I went back to the productivity book and edited the next section of that.

I edited another newsletter for one of my newer clients, and wrote some more notes for Machine.



I was feeling a bit more positive about things today, and had also scored a new paid project, so I put together an ambitious to-do list and settled down at home to try and focus better.

I did another section of editing on the productivity book, then wrote the next scene for Machine.

Next was starting the new paid project, which was editing a family biography.

I got assigned another story to review for the upcoming TL;DR romance anthology, so I read and commented on it before sending it back to the author with my feedback.

After lunch, I completed the day’s editing on the productivity book, then did a bit more of the family biography.

The subconscious crew invaded my meditation class again, so I made some more notes for Machine.



The subconscious crew interrupted my lie-in with some interesting thoughts on Machine, so I got up and made some notes.



I started with the productivity book today and edited the next section.

I wrote a couple of reviews – one of a board game and one of a book.

Then I had a meeting with the clients about the mastering skills books, to discuss the next chapter to be edited.

After that, I went back to the family biography and worked on editing that for a while.

I had another meeting, this time with a potential client who wanted to understand the process better.

After lunch, I did a quick job for a previous client on a short piece of text, then completed my editing on the productivity book and the family biography for the day.

Later, I did a sample edit for another potential new client.



I got the final version of a TL;DR submission back from the author, so I determined my final score and passed it on to the second-round editor.

Then it was back to the productivity book, to finish edits on the first section, after which I sent it back to the author for review.

I did the same with the family biography, after completing edits on that.

I also drafted the next scene of Machine.



There was a horror write-in on the TL:DR Slack and I made use of the first 90 minutes to come up with a 1500 word first draft of a story for an upcoming submission. This was way more than I was expecting to get done, considering I only had the vaguest of concepts going in, but that’s the power of a writing community!



I attended a freewriting group session with CP’s Day Off for the first time in a very long time. Claire and I had been having one-on-one focus sessions and accountability sessions for quite a while, so I hadn’t been going to the group ones. But those have both finished for the time being, so I thought I’d go to a group, so as not to lose touch altogether.

It was interesting doing it in a group again – I was aware of wanting to impress and that got in the way of the free flow of my writing. But I was open and honest about that in my pieces and ended up having a really good time, and also coming up with some very interesting stuff about what was going on in my mind. I’ll definitely be attending more of these!


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