Weeknotes – S04E12 – Holiday Reviewing

Summary: Lots of reviews again, but I also finally got a short story rewrite done, which has been on my list for weeks.   Monday: I did a Scribophile critique.   Wednesday: I wrote lots more reviews of all the games I played earlier in the week.   Thursday: I finished another book and played […]

Weeknotes – S04E11 – Reviews A-go-go!

Summary: Mostly reviews this week, with a bit of new writing courtesy of an excellent workshop.   Monday: I reviewed a film I went to see over the weekend, and also a book I finished after work.   Tuesday: Big plans for today! I signed up for a freewriting workshop in Hammersmith early afternoon, and […]

Weeknotes – S04E10 – Back To Proper Sessions

Summary: I feel like I got some good stuff done this week, and am happy that I scheduled some proper writing sessions.   Tuesday: I edited the first chapter of a friend’s novel.   Wednesday: I reviewed a Vaults show I went to see the night before. I finished two books and wrote reviews of […]

Weeknotes – S04E09 – Relaxing the Schedule

Summary: Basically just reviews and podcasting this week.   Monday: I finished a book and wrote my review. I also did some more submissions.   Sunday: I wrote all the reviews from the reading retreat I went on earlier in the week and reviewed a film I watched earlier in the day.. I also started […]

Weeknotes – S04E08 – More Daily Progress

Summary: I worked on writing projects every day this week again, but I’m calling a halt now and going back to my regular-ish scheduled sessions. Not a bad week overall, though.   Monday: I wrote my GYWO discussion post for the month.   Tuesday: I did some more submissions.   Wednesday: I wrote a review […]

Weeknotes – S04E04 – Just About Still Working

Summary: I’m still keeping up with the Artisan proofing, which is the most important thing, but everything else is pretty much falling by the wayside at the moment. Except the podcast, which is still really fun. I’m on writing retreat at the end of next week, so I suspect my output will increase a bit […]