Weeknotes – S05E43 – Ups and Downs in Freelancing

Summary: The subconscious crew had a great week, coming up with lots of good stuff for novel number four. Things are slowing down on the paid editing front, though, as several promised projects got cancelled or delayed, and there weren’t as many new suitable postings to pitch for.   Monday: Slightly weird start to the […]

Weeknotes – S05E42 – Cafe Culture

Summary: Cafe sessions proved particularly productive this week, so I’m thinking about expanding my regular cafe days to three (or sometimes four) days per week, instead of two.   Monday: Back to work after a whole week off, so I took myself to the cafe with an extensive task list. First was transferring submission opportunities […]

Weeknotes – S05E41 – Week Off!

Summary: A very successful week off! Several clients asked me to do short, urgent tasks, but I had told them all previously that I wouldn’t be available, so I turned them down.   Sunday: I wrote up reviews of all the new games I played on holiday, as well as the two books I finished. […]

Weeknotes – S05E40 – Preparing for a Holiday

Summary: Preparing for being on holiday next week – I managed to finish all my current paid editing projects, and also line up several weeks’ worth for when we get back. So no actual work and no pitching required while we’re away!   Monday: I had planned to go to the cafe today, but it […]

Weeknotes – S05E39 – Reassuring My Brain

Summary: Spent most of the week shuffling paid projects around while waiting for clients to confirm timings and requirements. Then spent most of the weekend reminding myself that I don’t need to pitch for any more work until after I get back from my holiday.   Monday: I had quite a late night the day […]

Weeknotes – S05E38 – Timelines and Travels

Summary: Novels two and three are definitely coming together, which is very satisfying. I actually came up with a tentative timeline for getting three out to agents, and four to my editor (both mid-March 2022), so now it feels like I have a proper plan to make them a reality. Lots of paid work going […]

Weeknotes – S05E37 – Starting to Blur

Summary: Steady progress on all fronts this week, though the week-in, week-out of paid editing and working on both novels is starting to make the weeks blur into one.   Monday: The subconscious crew invaded my early morning snoozing with some great ideas on expanding one of the weaker sections of Legacy, so I got […]

Weeknotes – S05E36 – Need More Time Off

Summary: Very busy week, demonstrating that I’m not very good at taking time off! Still, lots of exciting stuff going on with the paid editing, plus definite progress on both novels.   Monday: Bit of a slow start after a late night! My most frequent client had also sent a message to say that some […]

Weeknotes – S05E35 – Busy in a Good Way

Summary: Busy, busy, but all good. Lots of interesting paid projects, and also significant progress on my own writing projects. So a great writing week all round!   Tuesday: Back from holiday and eager to get back to work! I started out by editing the next section of the Haitian drama, then did the next […]

Weeknotes – S05E34 – Work and Holiday

Summary: Getting excited about my new novel, and also working on a lot of interesting paid editing projects.   Monday: I reviewed the film we went to see the night before and also approved edits on a short story of mine that’s in an upcoming anthology. Later, I had some more thoughts about Machine, so […]