Weeknotes – S03E20 – Very Productive

Summary: Three really great writing sessions this week and tons of progress on all sorts of projects. It wasn’t always easy, but I stuck to the plan rather than the mood and ended up achieving a lot. Between one thing and another, I wrote over 10,000 words this week, which is several thousand more than […]

Weeknotes – S03E19 – Back to the Short Form

Summary: I can just about claim another 7-day writing streak this week. I’m also pleased with my completion/submissions rate and feeling enthusiastic about some short story ideas in development.   Monday: Just doing bits of writing at home today. I cut down a travel writing article to fit a competition and submitted it.   Tuesday: […]

Weeknotes – S03E18 – Many and Varied Progressions

Summary:   I wrote every day this week and worked on projects in all five of my tracked categories – novels, fanfiction, competitions, non-fiction and blogging. A well-rounded and productive week.   Monday:   With a theatre trip planned later in the day, I took myself off to Picturehouse Central for a whole day of […]

Weeknotes – S03E17 – Novel Slogging

Summary: Mostly slogging away at the novels this week, plus some reviews. But there are short stories ideas percolating, which may turn into something soon. Monday: A whole day at home to work on projects, so I set my sights high. I assigned myself Chapters Seventeen and Eighteen of Artisan and the next three scenes […]

Weeknotes – S03E16 – Good Intentions

Summary: Lots of good intentions for lengthy writing sessions and really getting back into good habits this week. But I mostly just did my required work on the novels and called it quits.   Monday: I identified the ten scenes in Artisan that would most benefit from Hannah’s sharp editing pen and sent them to […]

Weeknotes – S03E15 – Keeping to the Plan

Summary: I’m keeping up with the plan for both novels, but not much else. But that’s okay, as they are the most important projects at the moment and are taking a lot of energy.   Monday: I tried another writing day at home and started out with submissions, since that’s always much easier on a […]

Weeknotes – S03E13 – Double Novel Progress!

Summary: Two really productive days of writing this week, with some other useful bits and pieces in between. Plus, I have formulated reasonable plans for finishing both novels. The slump is definitely over!   Monday: I wrote reviews for the weekend’s reading retreat. I also did some planning for later in the week.   Thursday: […]

Weeknotes – S03E11 – The End of a Trend

Summary: This was the inevitable week when daily writing became a chore rather than a positive source of motivation. So, I let it go.   Monday: I caught up on reviews and also looked at the worksheets for the first two weeks of the Six Month Novel Programme plotting boot camp. Then I did a […]