Weeknotes – S08E41 – Back in the Swing

Summary: Good start to the week with plenty of paid work done, and good end to the week with lots of social engagements!   Monday: First full week back at work after the long holiday. Luckily, I had great client projects to work on! I carried on editing the materials for the RPG, written by […]

Weeknotes – S08E40 – Back to Reality

Summary: Great situation to come back to after a long holiday – enough work booked in not to have to pitch for a while, but also enough flexibility to move things to later in the month, so as not to be too busy this week!   Tuesday: After nearly two weeks away, it was hard […]

Weeknotes – S08E38 – Prepping to Go Away

Summary: Had to work hard to get everything done before heading away on holiday, but it all worked out.   Monday: I got another new paid editing project over the weekend (well, one I knew about but wasn’t expecting until October) and decided to offer to complete it before going on holiday (what is wrong […]

Weeknotes – S08E37 – Freelance Pivot

Summary: I had to do a freelance mindset pivot when lots of paid work suddenly materialised, but yay for getting paid for stuff I enjoy! Still also plodding along with the novel.   Monday: My giant RPG editing project got signed off (three months late) over the weekend but I wasn’t expecting to be working […]

Weeknotes – S03E36 – Still Plugging Away

Summary: Still plugging away at the novel, but a bit of a slow-down on the paid editing front.   Monday: Despite not feeling very positive about my self-publishing journey with my first novel, The Defiant Spark, I completed some potential marketing activities for it this morning. I also continued editing the mindset book and my […]

Weeknotes – S08E35 – New Writing Support Group

Summary: A bit light on the work front, but some unexpected repeat clients popping up to tide me over. Great writing solidarity from friends and good progress on the new novel, despite a lack of motivation.   Monday: I’d spent the last four days on a solo reading retreat, completing four whole books, so I […]

Weeknotes – S08E34 – Self-Publishing Stress

Summary: Very little paid editing work but that’s okay, lots of freeglancing but that’s okay too. Progress on my latest novel and self-publishing my first – tough but worth it?   Monday: Two of my writer friends sent me drafts of their latest books to review over the weekend, so I slotted them into the […]

Weeknotes – S08E32 – Novel Going Well

Summary: Lots of good progress on my latest novel, which is great. Plus, teetering on the brink of a big paid editing project – just waiting for the client to press go!   Monday: It felt a bit more like I was back in the usual swing of things today – though a couple of […]