This felt like a very solid writing/editing week, with plenty of paid client work completed and also progress on various of my own creative projects.
I edited another chunk of the client RPG text and also started developmental feedback on a previous client’s queer historical romance novel, which was a lot of fun.
I took the afternoon off from my usual Monday online focus session, but committed to attending the last online workshop for the course I’m doing with other people writing a first draft of their novel.
It was awesome and led to me actually writing the last scene of my current novel, A Wizard Calls My Name (out of order because I have four more still to write before that bit)!
I woke up with even more thoughts about my upcoming first writing workshop so added to my notes.
I also went through the spreadsheet of possible discussion post topics for this year’s GYWO community and claimed a few. I’ve volunteered to focus on more complex subjects that have been requested a lot but never covered (since I was starting to repeat my posts) – which is going to be a lot more work, but possibly more interesting?
I did a big chunk of RPG text editing this morning, then had a very productive coaching call with Sean from A Write and A Pint this afternoon.
We discussed an online talk we’re doing together in a couple of weeks, the workshop I’m running soon that he’s attending, and also me leading a section of the upcoming workshop day he’s running for our writing group towards the end of February. Exciting stuff!
I spent most of the day in Picturehouse Central, working on both client projects and writing the next Wizard scene.
We spent Friday playing games in The Ludoquist in Croydon so, today, I wrote reviews of those and the book I finished on the train on the way home.
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