Weeknotes – S08E17 – Three Months Ahead

Summary: I’m in the unprecedented situation of having paid editing work booked in till the end of July (I’m usually only working on a fortnightly cycle of panic), which is nice! Still making progress on the novel and trying not to let podcast stuff take over everything else.   Monday: It was back to editing […]

Weeknotes – S08E16 – Do Less To Do More

Summary: I’m liking ‘taking a day off’ that turns into getting a ton of useful stuff done that usually slips off the bottom of the to-do list!   Monday: I finished editing the interview book and sent it back to the author for review and approval. I also edited a large chunk more of the […]

Weeknotes – S08E15 – Reading, Reading, Reading

Summary: I’m on a real reading kick at the moment – long may it continue! Some good paid work going on, and also progress on the novel too.   Monday: Two new client projects to start today – but, even more exciting, actually repeat clients! For both (action/adventure novel and interview skills book), I did […]

Weeknotes – S08E09 – Work Picking Up Again

Summary: My paid work picked up again with some great new projects, and I was very happy with revisions to my short story.   Monday: New client projects across the board – yay! I started editing a book about life skills for teens, which required some tonal adjustment. I also started reading the novel by […]

Weeknotes – S08E07 – Achieving Balance

Summary: Properly back into the swing of things on the paid work front, and also quite a lot of progress on my projects/development – yay!   Monday: I actually sat at my desk to work today, which felt weird, but was probably better for my back than slouching on the sofa (confirmed by my osteopath […]

Weeknotes – S08E05 – Feelings vs Evidence

Summary: It feels like I’m really not getting anywhere so far this year – with paid work or with my own projects. I know intellectually this isn’t true (I’m plugging steadily away at everything, even if I’m not exactly where I want to be) but it’s still the way it feels…   Monday: I felt […]