Summary: Very light on writing this week – but big plans for both novels from next week until the end of October, so activity should be really ramping up again shortly! Friday: I wrote reviews of the three books I finished while on holiday. Saturday: I wrote a review of another book. A […]
Tag: Weeknotes
Weeknotes – S04E36 – I May Be A Novelist
Summary: Feeling very happy about the state of my novels this week (at some point soon I may start to consider myself a novelist!), and happy to have cleared the decks of all editing responsibilities before going on holiday. Monday: Last day of my five-day weekend! I picked a section of Colours that needed […]
Weeknotes – S04E35 – Subconscious Crew For The Win!
Summary: Stellar work from the subconscious crew this week, which left me feeling a lot happier about my novel edits. Even though there’s still a lot of work to do, the path is clearer than it was, and it all seems more possible now. Monday: I caught up with Day Twenty-Three and Twenty-Four of […]
Weeknotes – S04E34 – Back In The Groove
Summary: Three good writing sessions on my dedicated writing days, so back into a more regular groove for writing. Very happy with progress this week. Monday: I completed Day Seventeen of AWC’s Mojo Month and listed my intended goals for the day on the UWR online session page. I did some admin and sorting […]
Weeknotes – S04E33 – Ticking Off the Days Doesn’t Mean Real Progress
Summary: A bit of a scattershot week – I ‘wrote’ every day but don’t feel like I made any real progress on anything. I did, however, give myself permission to let go of the task list and read a lot, which was lovely, and never a waste of time. Monday: I reached out to […]
Weeknotes – S04E32 – Writing Daily But Relaxed About It
Summary: I wrote every day this week, which I know I decided was a bad idea, after the July Camp Nano experience. But the daily aspect was mostly small, fun exercises, and I had a relaxed approach to it in terms of not putting myself under too much pressure, so it was okay. Monday: […]
Weeknotes – S04E31 – Remembering What Works
Summary: I feel like I’ve come up with a better structure for my writing week and that I’ve settled back into a better routine again. I should remember the lesson that trying to write every day really doesn’t work for me and actually ends up being very counter-productive. Monday: My brain had been ticking […]
Weeknotes – S04E30 – Taking the Weekend Off
Summary: A bit hit and miss this week. I was low on motivation and decided to give myself the whole weekend off from the to-do list, but did make some good progress on various things at other times during the week. Monday: I logged my planned goals on the UWR online session page and […]
Weeknotes – S04E29 – Intermittent Progress
Sunday: Intermittent good progress this week, interspersed with a total lack of energy and motivation. I’m hoping to be able to re-establish a better routine next week for making proper in-roads into my novel revision. Monday: I started out by clearing my email, tidying up my desk and consolidating my lists. Then I […]
Weeknotes – S04E28 – Writing Every Day
Summary: My editing project for the second novel went more slowly than I’d planned, but I still worked on it every day this week, so I’m pleased with progress overall (though I’m not entirely sold on the idea of focusing on logging any number of words every day just because). I also really enjoyed working […]