Summary: Still mostly reviews and very little fiction writing, but some good planning progress ready for going on retreat next week. Monday: I reviewed a book I gave up reading yesterday. Tuesday: I got the best kind of rejection from a publisher today: “Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider this […]
Tag: Weeknotes
Weeknotes – S02E29 – Good Things Are Coming!
Summary: Technically, lots of writing days, according to my tracker, but no actual creative writing in the true sense. However, I’ve got a retreat coming up, and a regular writing gig starting soon, so I’m feeling very good about my writing future. Monday: I went to No Grammar Required after work and really enjoyed chatting […]
S02E28 – Writing every day? Surely not!
Summary: Little and often seems to be the trend for this week. I think I generally prefer having a couple of long sessions during the week and not worrying about it the rest of the time, but it’s good to know I can keep my momentum going, even when I don’t have a whole free […]
Weeknotes – S02E27 – Renewed impetus for the second half of the year!
Summary: I got a lot done this week, and worked on writing projects every day but Tuesday, which felt really good. Just because I’ve completed my 120 habit pledge for the year already, doesn’t mean I should stop working at my writing! Monday: Back to Wapping to enjoy the sunshine at The Turk’s Head […]
Weeknotes – S02E26 – Finding My Groove Again
Summary: Getting back into the swing of things slowly, and very much enjoying not having any Artisan editing to do… Monday: Planned as my first full writing day post-Winchester, so I had a long list of things to work on. I met Ann and Baby R at the Turk’s Head in Wapping, and started […]
Weeknotes – S02E25 – Taking the Week Off?
Summary: Stripped back and streamlined. I mostly had a break from writing this week, but still managed a few bits and pieces along the way. Monday: I wrote a blog post about my experience at Winchester Writers’ Festival. Tuesday: I wrote a review of Ocean’s Eight. Wednesday: I wrote a review of […]
Weeknotes – S02E24 – Well, Winchester happened…
Summary: Anxious build-up to Winchester, followed by a fairly draining experience of the festival itself, and a re-evaluation of my writing priorities. Monday: I submitted seven short stories, pieces of flash fiction and poems for potential publication or to competitions. Very much not my favourite activity, but it’s the only way to get anywhere! […]
Weeknotes – S02E23 – Editing Complete!
Summary: It feels as though things are moving forwards. Only a few days until Winchester Writers’ Festival, and Artisan is ready to go! Monday: I finished a very interesting book and wrote a review of it. I also went through Writing Magazine and added new submission opportunities to my rolling spreadsheet, […]
Weeknotes – S02E22 – All the Editing!
Summary: Edits, edits and more edits… Monday: Ann was free, so we arranged to meet up for a writing session. I mostly focused on transferring my hard copy Artisan edits onto the electronic copy. In between times, I checked the relative chapter lengths and moved some things around to make it more even. I […]
Weeknotes – S02E21 – Beautiful and Inspiring Surroundings
Summary: People and places were all helpful this week in getting me where I needed to go with my writing. Monday: I met up with Ann and new Baby R at The Turk’s Head in Wapping, and settled down for a writing session. I decided to alternate copy-editing chapters of Artisan […]