Weeknotes – SO4E14 – All Engines Go!

Summary: A very good week for writing this week. Progress on all fronts, a good plan for upcoming submissions and some fun challenges over the weekend. Very happy.   Tuesday: I wrote a review of a book I finished over the weekend. Before I went to bed, I set my subconscious crew the task of coming […]

Weeknotes – S04E12 – Holiday Reviewing

Summary: Lots of reviews again, but I also finally got a short story rewrite done, which has been on my list for weeks.   Monday: I did a Scribophile critique.   Wednesday: I wrote lots more reviews of all the games I played earlier in the week.   Thursday: I finished another book and played […]

Weeknotes – S04E11 – Reviews A-go-go!

Summary: Mostly reviews this week, with a bit of new writing courtesy of an excellent workshop.   Monday: I reviewed a film I went to see over the weekend, and also a book I finished after work.   Tuesday: Big plans for today! I signed up for a freewriting workshop in Hammersmith early afternoon, and […]

Weeknotes – S04E10 – Back To Proper Sessions

Summary: I feel like I got some good stuff done this week, and am happy that I scheduled some proper writing sessions.   Tuesday: I edited the first chapter of a friend’s novel.   Wednesday: I reviewed a Vaults show I went to see the night before. I finished two books and wrote reviews of […]

Weeknotes – S04E09 – Relaxing the Schedule

Summary: Basically just reviews and podcasting this week.   Monday: I finished a book and wrote my review. I also did some more submissions.   Sunday: I wrote all the reviews from the reading retreat I went on earlier in the week and reviewed a film I watched earlier in the day.. I also started […]

Weeknotes – S04E08 – More Daily Progress

Summary: I worked on writing projects every day this week again, but I’m calling a halt now and going back to my regular-ish scheduled sessions. Not a bad week overall, though.   Monday: I wrote my GYWO discussion post for the month.   Tuesday: I did some more submissions.   Wednesday: I wrote a review […]