Weeknotes – S06E51 – All Goals Achieved

Summary: Great Christmas week – all client work completed plus all targets for personal projects achieved. I’ve set myself up for a great start to 2023!   Monday: My only remaining client editing project for the year was the reflective novella, so I did comments for a chunk of that this morning. I also edited […]

Motivational Misdirection

Brains are so weird…   I’ve spent months trying to ‘get back into a proper routine’ and get my fifth novel back on my list to work on. I’ve made so many plans to go to the cafe and ‘really focus’, to alternate client and personal projects in my schedule, to keep working on stuff […]

Weeknotes – S06E50 – Push For Year End

Summary: I feel like this week went really well – I completed two whole client projects from start to finish and also started submitting my nonfiction book to agents, as well as keeping on top of podcast obligations.   Monday: I started two new paid editing projects today – a book about sustainable parenting and […]

Weeknotes – S06E47 – New Thoughts

Summary: A very slow work week, though I did have some new thoughts on the novel for the first time in a long while.   Monday: I did a submission and also sorted out my work schedule for the upcoming week, after having had quite a bit of time off.   Tuesday: I started work […]

Baby Steps

A couple of months ago, I edited a book for a client about being productive and achieving your goals if you struggle with ADHD. One of the items in the book was a list of habit tracking apps – I had a look through and was attracted by Habitica, which has an RPG theme. You […]

Weeknotes – S06E46 – Disrupted Schedule

Summary: Disrupted schedule this week, but I won some new projects and also worked a bit on the novel.   Monday: Still in my tiny Airbnb hideaway in Norfolk for one more day! I wrote a review of the book I finished the previous night and collated a few more Darkness notes. Later, I finished […]