Summary: Not much on the writing project front this week, and unlikely to be much progress next week either – but then the big push to the end of the year will begin! Monday: I wrote a review of the film we watched the night before. Tuesday: I edited another […]
Category: Blog
Weeknotes – S04E39 – Light Week But Still Progress
Summary: Bits and pieces completed here and there this week – nothing major but still progress on several fronts. Monday: I spent some time going through my unassigned stories and finding places to submit them. Thursday: I did some more submissions, expanded my fantasy novella by a few hundred words for a submission […]
Weeknotes – S04E38 – Enjoying Editing!
Summary: Going great guns on the final novel edits and really enjoying it, which is a very pleasant surprise. Everything else has pretty much fallen off the to-do list, but that’s okay, because the novel is the most important thing. Monday: I finished a book and wrote my review. I started a new story […]
Weeknotes – S04E37 – Very Little To See Here
Summary: Very light on writing this week – but big plans for both novels from next week until the end of October, so activity should be really ramping up again shortly! Friday: I wrote reviews of the three books I finished while on holiday. Saturday: I wrote a review of another book. A […]
Weeknotes – S04E36 – I May Be A Novelist
Summary: Feeling very happy about the state of my novels this week (at some point soon I may start to consider myself a novelist!), and happy to have cleared the decks of all editing responsibilities before going on holiday. Monday: Last day of my five-day weekend! I picked a section of Colours that needed […]
Clearing The Decks!
August has been an interesting month for my writing. I finished and submitted three short stories, which felt really good and also cleared my writing to-do list of everything except the novel. Also, after planning to complete the next round of edits on the novel by the end of August, and realising very […]
Weeknotes – S04E35 – Subconscious Crew For The Win!
Summary: Stellar work from the subconscious crew this week, which left me feeling a lot happier about my novel edits. Even though there’s still a lot of work to do, the path is clearer than it was, and it all seems more possible now. Monday: I caught up with Day Twenty-Three and Twenty-Four of […]
Weeknotes – S04E34 – Back In The Groove
Summary: Three good writing sessions on my dedicated writing days, so back into a more regular groove for writing. Very happy with progress this week. Monday: I completed Day Seventeen of AWC’s Mojo Month and listed my intended goals for the day on the UWR online session page. I did some admin and sorting […]
Weeknotes – S04E33 – Ticking Off the Days Doesn’t Mean Real Progress
Summary: A bit of a scattershot week – I ‘wrote’ every day but don’t feel like I made any real progress on anything. I did, however, give myself permission to let go of the task list and read a lot, which was lovely, and never a waste of time. Monday: I reached out to […]
Weeknotes – S04E32 – Writing Daily But Relaxed About It
Summary: I wrote every day this week, which I know I decided was a bad idea, after the July Camp Nano experience. But the daily aspect was mostly small, fun exercises, and I had a relaxed approach to it in terms of not putting myself under too much pressure, so it was okay. Monday: […]