Weeknotes – Back to Reality…

Summary: The writing retreat was both more and less successful than I’d hoped – but still a lovely way to start the year! Now I really need to get back into a proper work mindset to get back to paid editing…   Monday: I started my third full day on Urban Writers Retreat by going […]

Weeknotes – S08E01 – Hurrah for Retreats!

Summary: Re-starting paid work for 2024 went a bit awry but lots of novel revision planning done on retreat!   Wednesday: It was back to work today with a new publisher client, copy editing a ‘based-on-a-true-story’ contemporary novel. I was at my desk like a proper worker bee by 9am – and did a little […]

Weeknotes – S07E50 – Gaining Control

Summary: I feel like I got control of the train a bit more this week – I got pretty much everything done that I’d planned and I didn’t feel overwhelmed. I also took some much-needed time off to relax, so I think I reached an equilibrium. I’m still really looking forward to an extended break […]

The Butterfly Effect

So, it turns out that networking is an interesting thing, which seems to generate more and more of itself, the more you do…   Which I guess makes sense – but the level to which it’s working out for me at the moment is quite astonishing!   I was thinking about putting together an email […]

New Work Ethic…?

October and the first half of November were very slow on the work front for me. It’s not something I’ve experienced as a freelancer before – and it makes me realise how very lucky I’ve been with my editing business so far.   It was very easy to begin with to just let everything slide […]

Weeknotes – S07E48 – Busy, Busy…

Summary: A bit hit and miss this week – I did a lot of paid work (yay!) but I also got stressed and overwhelmed about all the other things that necessarily fell by the wayside (boo!).   Monday: Today was a sad day because the courier came to take my lovely little laptop away for […]